It seems odd to me to start a blog when I am about to have a baby any day now, but I guess now is as good a time as any. First let me say that I am not a blogger. I pride myself on my "aloofness", but constantly find myself getting sucked into these internet things by friends and family. This is also the reason I have a myspace. However, they do have some value in that they allow us to stay connected during those times when we don't have time to make a phone call, send a quick email or, as a last resort, send a "snail mail" card.
I am 38 weeks pregnant and my due date is October 10th. I know that only 5% of babies are actually born on their due dates (although more common now with the option of C-sections and inducing), but I would love for him to be born on 10.10.08. My birthday is 2.2. and my mom's is 11.11. so it would be a cool thing for all of us to share that same month/same date birthday thing. I also like the idea of 10.9.08. I have a thing with numbers ;) If he doesn't come out on his own by then, I will be induced on the 10th.
The nursery has been ready for weeks. I have even put together the stroller, swing, and stocked the diaper stacker with the cutest newborn diapers. They're cute to me now, but I know I won't always feel that way about them. I had a shopping list of things to get for my hospital stay and now with that list finished all I need to do is have the baby.
I have gone though this pregnancy with 3 friends of mine and 2 of them had their daughters in the past week. Holding a newborn is so amazing and surreal it makes having my own a little scary. When people ask me if I'm ready I respond with,"Of course. I mean, as ready as I can be for the biggest event of my life." I still have one friend who is 5 weeks behind me and my older sister, Kate, is due in March. I couldn't be more excited for her.
At this point I am getting the house put together and enjoying these last weeks of taking it easy. I still teach a few yoga classes a week and have enjoyed interacting with my students throughout this process. They have been so lovely and supportive. I have lost some interest in watching TV and am officially back into reading. I think that reading has helped me get onto a more normal sleep schedule because I read in bed so I fall asleep when I'm tired not when the show is over.
I have been so lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy. I didn't have any morning sickness, I ran up until my 8th month, I still work out (though much less and low intensity) and continue with my yoga practice. I know that life as I know it now is about to change, but I think it will make everything so much more meaningful. I can already tell that it will bring me closer to my parents and siblings which has been such a comfort. I think it will strengthen the bond I have with my husband as we share this experience together. I am so excited to meet my son and begin this new adventure as a bigger family of three.
I am 38 weeks pregnant and my due date is October 10th. I know that only 5% of babies are actually born on their due dates (although more common now with the option of C-sections and inducing), but I would love for him to be born on 10.10.08. My birthday is 2.2. and my mom's is 11.11. so it would be a cool thing for all of us to share that same month/same date birthday thing. I also like the idea of 10.9.08. I have a thing with numbers ;) If he doesn't come out on his own by then, I will be induced on the 10th.
The nursery has been ready for weeks. I have even put together the stroller, swing, and stocked the diaper stacker with the cutest newborn diapers. They're cute to me now, but I know I won't always feel that way about them. I had a shopping list of things to get for my hospital stay and now with that list finished all I need to do is have the baby.
I have gone though this pregnancy with 3 friends of mine and 2 of them had their daughters in the past week. Holding a newborn is so amazing and surreal it makes having my own a little scary. When people ask me if I'm ready I respond with,"Of course. I mean, as ready as I can be for the biggest event of my life." I still have one friend who is 5 weeks behind me and my older sister, Kate, is due in March. I couldn't be more excited for her.
At this point I am getting the house put together and enjoying these last weeks of taking it easy. I still teach a few yoga classes a week and have enjoyed interacting with my students throughout this process. They have been so lovely and supportive. I have lost some interest in watching TV and am officially back into reading. I think that reading has helped me get onto a more normal sleep schedule because I read in bed so I fall asleep when I'm tired not when the show is over.
I have been so lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy. I didn't have any morning sickness, I ran up until my 8th month, I still work out (though much less and low intensity) and continue with my yoga practice. I know that life as I know it now is about to change, but I think it will make everything so much more meaningful. I can already tell that it will bring me closer to my parents and siblings which has been such a comfort. I think it will strengthen the bond I have with my husband as we share this experience together. I am so excited to meet my son and begin this new adventure as a bigger family of three.