Those who know me best know that I am not .... shall I say .... a "fan" of Christmas. There is so much stress, expense, expectation and lack of sleep that goes on for this "season of giving" that I wish we could all agree to give each other the gift of skipping Christmas in exchange for a nice meal together. Sort of a Thanksgiving do-over with the same sentiment, but different food for variety. Bah humbug! I kid, I kid. But seriously, it is usually a very hectic time of year and with a new baby in tow I was expecting the stress to, at the very least, double.
To work around any feelings of having to hurry to get somewhere every day I decided .... not to. The baby and I would get up, get ready, and we would get there when we got there. Some days it was 11:00 and some days it was 3:00. The baby is not on a true, predictable schedule yet so depending on how much sleep we both got the night before depended on when we got up which would dictate the rest of the day. I planned on going over to my Mom's house everyday the week leading up to Christmas since my brother, Ben, and his 3 kids were staying there. My older sister, Jane, lives in town and she was over there most days as well with her 4 girly girls so it was an easy way to see most of my family which was really fun. The scene at the Turner house was pretty laid back this year. My Dad bought Guitar Hero with the drum kit, lead guitar and bass making it easy for a bunch of us to play together at one time. I played bass a few times, never tried the lead guitar, but my heart is in the drums. I admittedly suck at keeping time, but it's a challenge and it's fun!
Christmas Eve Joe and I went to his Mom's house for food and opening gifts. It is a frenzy with no organization, but it is always a good time. Coral crocheted a beautiful baby blanket for me that was totally unexpected, but so sweet of her. I really do love getting handmade gifts. 2 hours later we were on our way back home. His Mom's side of the family has a party every year in Sahuarita at his uncle's house, but we decided not to go because it is well over an hour drive (one way) from our house. Ben, Elizabeth (my younger sister) and her husband, Nick, came down from Phoenix stayed at our place and we had a blast! We stayed up talking til nearly 5 am, but it was worth it to be able to catch up.
Christmas afternoon we went to my Mom's house. The kids opened up all their gifts and the adults got a gift or two as well. My parents always give us cash which is so awesome. Since I have four other siblings we rotate who we buy for every year. That way it doesn't get too expensive and we are in charge of one family instead of four. This year Elizabeth had my family and she gave us a huge basket of popcorn, candy, and the first season of Dexter. The baby got some clothes, but my favorite thing was a painting that she did of a Buddha in black, grey and red. I am still totally amazed at her talent. It is so beautiful. I haven't hung it yet because I want to put it in just the right place. I'm thinking my yoga room. We were pretty tired to say the least, but it was fun to celebrate Christmas with family and with Devon for the first time.
I have a new mission...finding gold or burgandy-colored ornaments for Annie's tree. Gotta love having a mission. What are you going to do with all the other ornaments I have given you over the years? I still think you should have one (and one only) pre-lit, artificial Christmas tree, set up in the TV room to hold your "old" ornaments.
I LOVE rock band, and I must say my heart is in the drums as well. Love it!!!!!
I love the cranberries for decoration and that painting buff did is awesome, i love it!
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