When everything is said and done a party is just a party .... even if it has a theme. When the initial shock of seeing everyone in their cool, lame, freaky and non-zombie-zombie-costumes it is just a fun party full of friends. OK I totally take that back it was ALL about the costumes, but we did have a great time.

I decided that I wanted to go with "big hair" and really tease it up so I put in pin curls early in the day and let them set. (Pin curls just means that you curl your hair with a curling iron, before it cools down you wind the curl into a flat coin shape and bobby pin it flat to your head. The heat from the iron makes your hair extra curly and usually lasts longer than curling alone). Joe picked up make-up from a costume shop and we put on our make up at the same time .... I never thought I'd say that, but there it is. I thought that my make up would look better than Joe's since I put it on everyday, but all those years as a "drama freak" finally paid off because his looked WAY better than mine. You can't see it in any of the pictures, but Joe has blood coming out of his eye, but on the other side it's dripping from his ear. Freaky.
I thought that it would be HIGH-larious to really do it up for prom so I got a corsage and boutonniere. I even dribbled blood on them and they looked great. It is tradition for us to photograph the pinning-on-and-putting-on of prom flowers and this was not to be photographically missed. Our babysitter took these pictures for us and I think they are hysterical.
Then - 1996

Then - 1996

I included our prom pictures from 1996 just for fun so you could see our first prom and sadly .... our last. Or should I say our most recent.
I really thought that I was going to show up to this party and completely misinterpret the whole dressing up like zombies thing and we would be the only ones. I even called Jaime earlier in the day just to make sure. I would have to say we were on the tame side of things and definatley not the most zombied-up. Some people didn't really dress up at all and others used real blood ... no joke. This one guy is a paramedic and somehow got a cut today at work so he wiped the blood on his clothes. Gross. Here are all the "mamas on the loose". I don't know WHY Heather was dressed as a zombie cowboy clown, but it was hilarious. Her husband was dressed as a clown as well.
They had a whole set up with balloons, hanging stars and a black back drop to take official prom pictures complete with a professional photographer. It was adorable. They crowned "best dressed", "prom king and queen" complete with crowns and trophies. She covered the walls with spiderwebs, balloons, black candels and "organs" (read that as cabbage in colored water) in jars on the stove.

It was a great event to get together with friends and celebrate Halloween in a fun and pretty tame way. Going to bed couldn't have come soon enough though.... being the undead is exhausting.
you guys look GREAT! hilarious. "...but there it is." loved that line. and I don't know why, but the fact that there were clowns there is making me cry I'm laughing so hard. that's some funny stuff right there. thanks for posting.
That is awesome!!! I'm glad you went. I wish you had asked me to send you the "original" prom dress, that would have been funny to be wearing the same dress. I love the idea and will probably steal it one of these Halloweens.
Katy, I SO was going to ask to borrow the original prom dress, but you mentioned that it was "hanging by a thread" so I didn't bother to have you ship it. It was vintage when I wore it in highschool afterall. And let's face it .... I wore that dress 13 years ago and one baby ago so I'm not sure it would even fit anyway. A girl can always dream right? ;)
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