Little man turned the big 3 this month. I love how he does 3 fingers. Very unique.
The cake. Complete with spider rings and a real Spiderman toy that spins webs.
My first attempt at a layer, rainbow cake. I think it turned out pretty good for my first try. Truthfully, it wasn't difficult so much as it was time consuming. It took a little finesse, but easily done if you have the time. I LOVED making this cake. I really want my babies to grow up knowing that their birthday is a special day to celebrate how amazing they are.
I want to be able to make them a cake and decorate the house just for them with balloons in their room when they wake up and streamers everywhere. (FYI, Devon is clearly not ready for silly string. Oops.) He's been talking about having cake all day. He is mesmerized.
Make a wish!
We asked Devon where he wanted to go to dinner for his special birthday meal and he said,"Uncle Donald's" aka McDonald's. I NEVER take him to eat there. I think he's been there 3 times in his whole life and I hate the place, but if he wants to eat there on his 3rd birthday, fine by me. Look at how happy he is :)
Grandma and Grandpa took us out to dinner at Friday's for Devon's early birthday since they would be out of town on his actual birthday. He LOVED the knife, flashlight, Bernstein Bears game and shield my parents have him. He loved them all! It was fun to watch him while they sang Happy Birthday after which he delicately ate his free sundae.
We took a quick trip to Vegas with Joe's parents this month and the kids had a great time. Kiss on the lips for Mama!
Hangin' with Daddy in the hotel lobby.
At the Bellagio with Pops.
Watching the talking tree with Abuela.
Lovin' on this sweet boy of mine.
Checking out the pool from the 17th floor. The kids LOVED swimming. Joe and I had a great time as well watching them both have so much fun.
Devon loved having so much time to spend with Daddy literally running through casinos. I think he liked Caesar's palace the most.
Since we drove, we took several pit stops to get the kids out and let them run around.
Devon was a DREAM for the 7 hour drive. He played with toys and colored. I brought every DVD we own and he didn't watch any.
Scorpion sucker!
Devon got these glasses from my Mom. They turn light into rainbows. He is so tripped out by them. He points to me and says,"I'm turning you into a person."
A possible Halloween costume. Salute! Is there anything cuter than a 3 year old in a full on astronaut outfit?
This outfit inspired by Uncle Ben. Pony tail and all.
Making cookies. This is not a mixer attachment .... it's a sword obviously.
Hanging out in his "nice safe cage" made from pillows and blankets on Mama and Daddy's bed.
Equal parts frosting and cake make for one seriously happy kid.
Out for our weekly trip to Costco. Couldn't properly shop without this rainbow glasses. Samples just wouldn't taste the same.
Devon is very smart. No seriously .... he's really smart. The things he says continue to blow my mind. His vocabulary is increasing more and more each day.
Devon is very affectionate and gives out tons of hugs, kisses, says,"You're my brand NEW treasure!" and I love you's in sign language. He is very specific that Daddy is his pal and I am his best friend. Awesome.
Devon loves to eat hot dogs, popsicles, Eegees, toast, pizza, carrots and apples. He loves condiments like ketchup, ranch and steak sauce. He loves to read, color, ride his "motorcycle" (aka big wheel), watch Sponge Bob and Super Why and torment his sister ;)
The End.