Audrey is a happy, cheerful, funny and sweet natured baby.
I am amazed how independent she is. She will crawl away from me and play by herself with toys or other kids. When we go to "jumping class" (a class where kids go to a gymnastics gym and get to use the trampolines, bars, rings, etc) she loves to jump on the trampoline and heads straight toward the foam pit. She loves to crawl all over the obstacle courses and even when she wipes out she just gets back up and keeps going.
Audrey loves yogurt, pretzels, Kixx, bread, eggs, soup and pasta. She does not like fruit snacks or raspberries. She loves to feed herself a bottle and I am slowly transitioning to a sippy cup, but she hates them.
Audrey loves to go to the park and swing. She crawls all over the equipment and goes down the slide, head first and on her belly, with out any help from me. Did I mention that she's 1? She squeals the whole way down and then tries to climb the slide to go again. My little dare devil.
Audrey is getting into coloring more and more, but still seems to like being read to and playing toys the most. Her favorite book is "Counting with Blue". She will crawl over and hand it to me to read to her then do the sign for "more" and we read it more. I didn't do signs with Devon, but I think Audrey doesn't get to do a whole lot of talking since Devon seems to be so "chatty". I thought this would be a good way to help her language. She can say mom, cat and bubble. She can sign milk, more and again.
She loves her Daddy and her brother, although, Devon is not too keen on returning that love at the moment. Joe and I are being very conscious about spending one-on-one times with the kids and taking them places so they get that special attention and age appropriate outings.
Audrey is getting 4 teeth and took 3 steps all by herself a few days ago. She can push the grocery cart around the living room and LOVES to walk assisted. I call it "the shuffle" because she holds onto the back of my pants to hold herself up while I shuffle around the kitchen. She is so sweet and happy and very easy to be around.
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