We got a special treat this past month when my sister, Katy, and her darling daughter, Charlie Belle, came to visit from Alaska for nearly 6 weeks. It took a while for these little kids to find their stride, but they became sweet little friends sharing Popsicles on the porch, playing at grandma's house and having adventures all over town. Charlie Belle is very easy going and chill so she and Devon were super cute to watch. This is Charlie Belle, Sadie (another cousin) with Devon eating Eegees. I couldn't get a picture that Sadie wasn't making this face in. Lol
Devon still insists on being called a different animal, TV character, person he knows or thing he makes up. This one nearly pushed me over the edge. He is Pooh bear, pretending to be Tangled (Eugene Fitzherbert from Tangled, hence, the pan). It's cute except when he gets busted and I yell,"Devon!!!" and he calmly responds with,"Mom, I'm not Devon I'm a robot."
Devon loves his daddy. Man oh MAN does he love his daddy. He just loves to be around him. Kid has good taste. He is practicing choking him out in full guard.
He has fully embraced the functionality of overalls and loves to wear them because they have so many pockets to store all of his treasures. He always asks me if he looks adorable when he wears them.
Devon loves to eat waffles, anything with ketchup, Vietnamese food, noodles, jello and jelly beans. He loves to learn new yoga poses from mom and fight moves from dad. He's such a smart and sweet kid I love being his mama.