Audrey is getting better and better with learning new words every day. It's pretty remarkable. One morning I was changing her in my bedroom. Joe walked into to her line of sight, pointed to him and said,"Daddy! Cuuuuuuuute." Can't argue with her there. My favorites right now are azzip (yep, pizza spelled backwards), help you (which really means, help me), bankie, night (good night) and YOU (love you). She is starting to ask for crackers, bacon every morning with her milk and loves rice cakes.
Audrey still takes naps mid day and goes to bed pretty well at night. I read a few books to her, just her and I, and she will fuss for a few minutes after I put her down, but reading to her has really helped. She loves to read Corduroy, Elmo, Blues Clues and touch and feel books.
This little sweetie is going to break some serious hearts with that tiny dimple of hers. She is so thrilled with herself when she accomplishes something all by herself and loves to play with the bigger kids.
This is her funny face. How she manages such a serious, funny face I don't know. It's a gift.
I love my one on one time with Audrey when Joe takes Devon out for guy time. She is so happy and silly and loves to play peek a boo behind the drapes. She is not very snugly (let me just wipe away this tear), but she gives out kisses and hugs, fist bumps, high fives and when she does snuggle up with you, it is that much more special
1 comment:
There is something utterly amazing about children and their complete joy in life. Loved looking at your pics!
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