Audrey has quite a lot of personality for not even being a year old yet. She has selected "her" blankie and won't sleep without it. I tried to get her to use one that could be used year round since the one she likes is a little warm for summer, but she wouldn't have it. They really do know what they like don't they?
She is doing great at sitting up and I don't have to sit and hover around her to make sure she doesn't fall. She loves to play with her chewy, crinkly toys, a slinky, a ball and has some sort of baby radar for finding things that she could choke on.
Devon opened a plastic egg from Easter and dumped out M & M's. Before anyone saw her, she scooped up an orange one and ate it. We didn't notice she had something in her mouth until there was orange drool dripping down her chin followed by chocolate. I am super vigilant with that sort of thing, but when she and Devon are playing all bets are off.
Her official first trick is clapping. It. Is. Adorable. She sort of holds her right hand still and claps her left hand into it. I say,"Yeah!" very enthusiastically and she claps and giggles. It is so sweet, genuine and innocent happiness it just warms my heart. She is such a sweet baby.
Audrey loves to eat lunch meat, scrambled eggs, peas, sweet potatoes and Ritz crackers with her brother while they watch cartoons on the couch. She doesn't really like to be spoon fed and much prefers to feed herself. She will sit happily in her high chair, but doesn't like the tray pulled up too close to her.
Audrey loves to see her Daddy and interact with him. She reaches out to touch his face and then gets shy and buries her head into my chest to snuggle. It is a special, tender bond that they share.
I only leave the kids once a week on Sunday when I teach yoga for an hour so they are not used to me leaving or being gone for that matter. Even though I am only gone two hours (teaching and driving time), it is sort of fun for me to come home and Audrey kicks her legs and waves her arms in excitement when she sees me. You would think I had been gone for a week!
Audrey and her little, dimpled friend, Lincoln, at a picnic lunch.
This little baby gets so many kisses, hugs and love from so much family it is amazing. Aunt Jane snuggles and plays with Audrey every time I see her and Audrey is just smitten with her. All my nieces and nephews (all 18 of them) love this little girl and always give her attention. I am so grateful for grandparents, aunts and uncles who help, hold and love my children.
I can't believe in just a few months she will be one! What?!? HOW does it go so fast? It feels like just the other day I said to Joe,"Not to alarm you, but I think I'm in labor." What fun we are having with with sweet, sweet baby girl.
what a cute post~! She sure is adorable and you are an adorable mom!
It bums me out too, how fast babies grow. Guess all we can do is enjoy them now.
She is so sweet! Love that baby boo!
she is just so stinking cute I can hardly stand it. I am sad that I am not one of those that gets to snuggle her. ugh!!! one of these days.
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