No, we did not get this dog, although, I wanted to. I have decided that a Husky is my kind of dog. Beautiful, soft, loyal, smart, calm and good with kids. We aren't going to get a dog until we totally fence in the yard, but I am not taking care of a dog so Devon has to be old enough to help feed, bathe, walk and train it. I take care of enough people (and a 20 pound cat with a litter box) so I am not dealing with a dog as well.
Devon loves to sit with Dada in his truck when he gets home from work. He turns on the wipers, steers, uses the gear shifter and rolls the windows up and down.
We visit a park at least once a week and Devon has gotten more adventurous with trying new things and climbing the equipment. He loves to play with his friend Roman and talks about him all the time.
This little boy loves his grandparents. Devon, Audrey and I go over to their house once a week for an hour or so and play in the garden, Grandma's toy room or we just sit around and let Devon talk to us ;)
Devon requested nail polish on his toes. I let him pick out the colors and he had a blast! He sat so still while I put on the color and watched intently as it dried. Joe thought it was hysterical and Devon loved to show off his toes where ever we went.
Heroes and Villains was having their "free comic book day" event so Devon and I went and got a few comic books about Super Dinosaur, Shrek and Spiderman. Local "Star Wars Fans" showed up to sweat it out in their official Star Wars storm trooper uniforms and shake hands and take pictures with customers ... for free. They were all incredibly nice, patient and accommodating with Devon and even let him hold their guns and "light savers".
We went into the store to get our free comics and Devon wouldn't leave the front window. One of the storm troopers came over and gave him a high five through the glass. He kept calling them "white guys".
Fumbs up white guys!
The splash park finally opened for the summer and I didn't think Devon would even get in the water so I didn't put him in swim clothes. He surprised me and was excited to play in the water with his super sweet friend, McKenzie. The fact that there was a gun helped encourage him as well ;)
I still love to baby-wear my babies. Audrey in the front in my new Pikkolo carrier and Devon on my back in the good 'ole Ergo.
I took Devon to see "Elmo LIVE" at the TCC and he. Had. A. Blast. It was so over the top and so amazing it was sensory over load.
He sat in his seat for the entire first half (45 minutes) and made it 15 into the second half before he got up and started walking back and forth in our row. No one was sitting by us so it was fine. It was so fun to take him to something that I knew he would like and something that was so outside what we normally do.
I try to take Devon out somewhere every week just the two of us and I really treasure that time together. He is such a funny kid and I love being able to give him my full attention while we do something fun that I know he will love. It usually involves going to Costco for diapers and formula and ends up with a hot dog and soda lunch.
Devon loves to shoot his Dada with the water hose when they play out in the yard every evening and tend to the garden. They wrestle on the bed and Devon knows how to get out of a rear naked choke (by turning into the choke), he can do a take down, get in your guard, side control and he is great a punches in bunches. He loves to fight!
Aren't kids fun! I'm going to vote no on the husky. Talk about a shedding problem!
Tough and smart, huh? Sounds like he takes after BOTH his parents. :) Cute he calls the storm troopers "white guys". :)
I'm amazed you would even think to carry them both around at once. Impressive!
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