Wouldn't swing without protective eye wear and a gun. Why wouldn't you want to constantly wear glasses that turn everything blue?
So happy wearing Daddy's glasses.
"Don't I look smart?"
"Hmmmm. Lemme think about it."
"Still thinking. Let's discuss this at another time."
This is Stewart Little. He was our wild, desert bunny for nearly two months. I spotted this little guy in our garden and Joe caught it. It was so hot and he was so lethargic that we didn't think that he would make it more than a few days. But, with a little kitten milk, some rest and daily snuggling he was well enough and we let him go back into the desert.
We also, briefly, had a desert tortoise that Devon named Pascale. I had to get a picture of "The tortoise and the hare."
"Look, Mom! I'm an astronaut!)
At story time they read books about horses and then gave each kid one of these ponies and had them gallop around the room. Cuteness overload!
Devon is still very much into "cool tricks". Instead of saying,"Mom, watch me! Watch me!" He is a little more convincing with,"Mom, watch my cool trick!" You might get an actual cool trick so you have to watch every time just in case ;) At the very least you get giggles and an eyebrow raise so that's good, too.
Devon is generally a very pleasant boy and is happy to stay home playing toys, watching movies, coloring or painting. I try to take the kids out every morning to get out of the house to the Children's Museum or the grocery store, but the most fun we have is finding stuff around the house and making something out of it. Sew some crafting feathers to an elastic headband and BAM! .... instant crown.
Devon is still in the phase where he wants whatever Audrey is holding. It can be a toy, a chewed on straw or the wrapper that the straw came in. If she has it .... he wants it and usually takes it. I haven't figured out what tactic works so he will be more willing to share, but we are working on it daily and I'm guessing it's something he grows out of.
Devon loves guns, swords, knives, kung fu, fighting and tools. He is a very masculine little kid. He usually totes a gun when we go to the grocery store. And when I say "gun" I mean a scale size double barrel shot gun with sound effects, thanks Aunt Crystal and Uncle Jordan. I am always surprised at the people who play along and pretend to die when he shoots them. I am more surprised when people ignore him completely. And it never fails that I get looks, and sometimes comments, about letting him have a toy gun. As if they can't believe I allow it. Newsflash: It's. A. TOY!!!!!
He loves to play Play Doh! and make tortillas, balls and noodles. He squeezed this purple Play Doh! in between him fingers and said,"Look, Mom! A dinosaur!"
1 comment:
Don't worry about his taking Audry's stuff. She will grow up a bit and I promise she WILL retaliate. :)
He is such a sweet, intelligent little man. It's fun watching him grow and progress.
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