Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Audrey: August (13 months)

Audrey can crawl! She still does it in her own, unique way, but she gets around (mostly) with her belly off the ground. She loves to walk around as I hold her hands and pulls herself up to stand. She doesn't walk along the couch by herself, but I prefer that so I can make sure to be there with her when she walks.
"Not so sure I like this gymnastics class."

"I'm still on the fence. Although, I do get to stand up and crawl and play with other kids."

"OK, I like it."

Joe is so good about exposing the kids to nature. He takes them out and they help with the garden, but when he sees something cool he brings it in so the kids can see it up close. So far he's caught a bunny, endless lizards, a king snake, hawk moth, HUGE grasshopper, June bug, cuchara, tortoise and a bat.

Audrey has started to feel better with her teeth this month and is less cranky. Her one year molars came through and that has helped ease some of the pain. She had 8 teeth coming in all at once. That's right. 8.

I try and do art projects with the kids every day. Audrey doesn't seem as into it as Devon was at this age so I don't push it, but I still want her to try things. She really enjoys playing toys, chasing the cat and watching cartoons.

Audrey can do cool tricks, too! She also has this uncanny ability to scream. Like, REALLY scream when she's upset. It's not a long scream, more of a "Hey! I don't like what is happening here and I need attention RIGHT! NOW!" type of scream.

Audrey is such a good eater. It is stress free feeding her. She loves to eat fruit snacks, pasta, nectarines, blueberries, carrots, lunch meat and cereal. She will often point at you and giggle with delight if you touch her index finger with your index finger.

Her hair has gotten so much lighter and less curly over the past few months. It is really growing in the back and finally covering the bald spot she rubbed off ;) Audrey can say Mom, Mama, no and poop ;) Nice. She doesn't say no very often and she only said poop once, but it was clear as a bell. Audrey is such a delightful baby and I love to kiss her cheeks and blow raspberries on her belly. We love this sweet little girl!

The End.

1 comment:

Crystal Pistol said...

What cute little booty on that baby!!!

Can't believe that bro of mine brought a bat in the house. Icky! But very cool. :)