Why NOT wear a mask and be Batman whilst looking at fossils?
Shoulder rides and "holly pops" round out the full Jem Show experience.
If you've seen Monsters Inc. the cartoon, you are familiar with Mike Wikowski, the one-eyed green monster. When Devon sat in this little spot at the playground he said,"Look, mom! I'm Mike from Monsters Name Fink!" (I don't know how he got Monsters Name Fink from Monsters Inc, but that's what he calls it.)
"Hey, mom! Maybe when I grow bigger we could get me one of those motorcycles."
One day we saw a pretty steady stream of interesting, manly mustaches while we were out running errands. The next morning when I was putting on my make up, Devon found a brown eye liner pencil and decided that he needed to "grow" a mustache, too. I let him do the bulk of it and filled it in to make it even.
Make a mustache face!
And another.
I think he grew a mustache every day for a week. Eventually he decided that I needed one as well.
Funny faces.
Devon is such a good helper. He loves to pour his own milk, help Audrey, hand me things I drop, put clothes in the washing machine and the list goes on and on. He loves to cook, go to the park, play with his cousins and grandparents, explore in the yard and is an all around good kid.
People stop me all the time to tell me how cute he is and how well mannered he is. If we're in a store and he gets close to bumping into someone he says,"Oh! Sorry! Excuse me."
Seriously, how handsome is this man of mine?
Snow ball fight with daddy. I think some snow made it down his jacket on this one. We took the kids up to Mt. Lemon to play in the snow and we had a great time. We stayed up there a bit too long and Devon started to melt down (pardon the pun) on the drive back, but it was such a fun way to spend an afternoon making snow balls, snow angels and sledding.
I love that this sweet, little boy just wants to play and do dress up. He doesn't care if it's a cowboy hat or a tutu, he just wants to have fun. I don't encourage him to put on a gold, sequined dress and twirl, but if he wants to do that on his own ... go for it!
We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house, as we do every week, and Devon got to wear a special chef's hat and apron to help make cookies. This kid loves to cook. He loves to hand with Grandpa in the garden and loves his Grandma tons and tons. He asks to call her and is getting better and better on the phone.
My little chef.
1 comment:
Love the family photo journal! Your son actually drew a pretty good mustache. Looks better on him than you though. Thanks for the smiles!
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