8 months wow. Every month I say it and every month it is so true ... he is so big! I keep hoping he will just stay my little baby and I'm sure in some way he always will be, but his little body is growing and his little brain is learning like crazy. He has been doing lots of fun, new things over the past month. I do recognize that the things I am about to list are somewhat trivial, but when it is a baby (your first born especially) it is amazing what milestones they become.
He is definately "talking" a lot and every day I hear "mama" and "dada" my sentimental heart flutters and wishes that he knew what he was saying. I don't count that as his first word since he has no clue what it means, but I have been pointing to myself and Joe when he says it so he will catch on one of these days. He loves to click his tongue and just this week has started doing the most HILARIOUS thing ... blowing spit bubbles by opening his mouth wide and blowing actual bubbles. He concentrates so hard ;) He can definately sit up on his own now, but I still stay close just in case he tips over. He is getting himself up on his hands and knees and should be crawling soon, but at this point manages to push himself backward. He is able to cover a lot of ground rolling and pivoting so I don't think he is in a hurry to crawl since it is a lot more work for him with a similar result. Some kids go from rolling to walking anyway so we'll see what happens. He also seems to finally discovered the cats and watches them intently and smiles when they pass by. Someday he will pull their tails ... I feel bad for them already ;) They were my first babies afterall.
I have also started a definate bed time routine. I am amazed how easily and quickly he goes to sleep without the need to be rocked or bounced around, but I figure a routine is good anyway. We now do dinner, bath, bottle, and books. If he doesn't pass out by books we play a little, but usually he doesn't make it that far. There is a library about a half mile from my house so this past week we checked out some baby books. I don't want his over due charges under my name so he has his own card with his own pin code and everything. Truthfully, I thought it was a little silly, but apparantly people do it all the time. We moms are funny that way I guess. I just think it will be cute that someday his checkout history will read: The playful kitten, peek-a-boo and The catcher in the rye.
I also set up the electric keyboard. Joe initially put Devon on his lap and let him pound away at the keys, but I put it down on the floor and when he rolls over to it I turn in on and set it on "drum kit" so he gets cymbols, clapping, a voice that counts to 5and drums. Hilarity ensues.
I have a youtube video and I posted it on facebook, but I can't remember how to post it on my video bar. Anyone? Anyone?
He sure is a sweet little boy. And, as I was looking back at your blog and catching up on "you," I have to say that I have never seen anyone look so glamorous right after giving birth. Congratulations to you and Joe on your family!
the little filmstrip icon next to where you post pictures is how you add a video. i tried to post a comment on the ol facebook, but i was in a bad area and it wouldn't post. anyhoo, your kid is adorable and has the sweetest face ever and the video is fabulous!
oh btw...the 7 month post you had isn't posted.
the video file is too large to click the filmstrip. i wanted to add it from youtube. i did it before, but it was so long ago i can't remember how to do it. i'll mess with it ....
He's a cutie! They grow up way too fast. Try embedding the video from youtube. Click on the embed area, cut it & paste it into a "new post" screen. See if that works.
don't know how, but the video is now in the youtube bar.
Just FINALLY catching up. He's adorable. How do you stand it? xo b
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