It's amazing when you're on a diet that your super-human sense of smell kicks into over drive and you start to smell foods in a way you never smelled them in your entire life. I was at Costco today and smelled the pizza all the way out in the parking lot while I was pumping gas. Ahhhh pizzahhhhhh. Like REAL pizza. Not Lean Cuisine pizza (which is really good by the way), but the real cheese, unportioned, greasy, normal-people pizza. Then I went inside and saw the people eating the pizza and was reminded why I don't eat it ;)
I also had to laugh when I tried to convince myself that fresh strawberries and All Bran cereal combined taste like strawberry pie.
You don't want to look like the people who are eating Costco or Sam's pizza. Stick w/the fiber pie! Good luck!
That was me eating the pizza
LOL! Dieting is sooooo hard sometimes! Good luck and keep up the good work! ;)
I think you should scramble your hair and put on a big dumpy t-shirt and take a pic of you eating a HUGE slice of costco pizza--and maybe a churro or two. lol. Make for a nice 'before' pic don't you think? Well I think it's funny or maybe it's because I'm running on 3 hrs of sleep and it's late, or maybe it's just that funny. ha. =)
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