When I first found out that I was going to have a baby I started thinking about a theme for the nursery. I consider myself to be reasonably practical (with the exception of fancy handbags and shoes) and wanted a theme that could work for a boy or girl since we hopefully will have more than one kid that will use that room. I went with an alphabet bedding set, but there wasn't enough stuff that went with it to coordinate the way I wanted. I didn't want to paint the room since I didn't want to have to re-paint when we someday sell the house. I didn't want it to look bad or over done so I figured if I didn't do anything that I couldn't go wrong. So I never did anything with the nursery and it has been sort of a sad, semi-decorated room. Not fun at all.
Until a few weeks ago.
I went to Joanne fabrics and the idea hit me. I found these great wooden decals that are already painted that were animals, boats, bugs, etc. I got one for most letters of the alphabet. (ie: apple, ball, cat, dinosaur, etc). I also got these 4 inch letters that I painted with the same colors from the bedding. I also fashioned a name plate for the door to his room. All together with the paint, the decals and the letters it cost me about $50. That is more than I wanted to spend, but I will definitely be able to use this theme for 2 kids so I think it's worth it.
I made a border of letters and pictures around the room and I think it turned out pretty great. It adds "just enough" decoration to make it look like a real nursery bringing the theme together without going overboard. It brings in color and brightens up the room. Devon and I go over the alphabet everyday and say the names of the decals that go with the letters. I point to them as I say them and he has started slapping the letter as I say it. He LOVES to do the alphabet and it is his favorite song. He starts pumping his legs when I try to leave the room without going around the room first. If he is ever cranky I can always go to this simple activity to cheer him up.
It's funny how a baby can change your attitude about a plethora of things, including "to decorate or not to decorate?" What's important and what's not?
So cute, you're right it's just enough I love it.
I am a minimalist myself so I like it cute but basic. Looks great!
i love the placement of the letters...not too high! good job crafty crafty!
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