I have been with Joe since he was 16 and I CAN NOT FREAKING BELIEVE that he turned 30 yesterday. My teenage boyfriend turned 30 .... wow .... like .... wow. We joke that 30 is no big deal and that it's 40 that's the killer, but there is something about 30 that is suddenly serious ;) I get to be 29 for 5 whole months so my new mantra has become "I'm still in my 20's" until that time runs out. I try to slip that phrase into conversation at least once a day. We usually plan a day of activities for each other, but also try to keep things low key and relaxing.
Really though it is so not a big deal this whole turning 30 thing. I think since we are where we want to be in life (even though 30 feels like some sort of superficial milestone) we really are OK with it. We are done with college, in a house, have a baby, in good shape and good health .... we are totally good.
We all slept in yesterday (even Devon) and it was great. We got up around 10:00 and had breakfast at home. The sitter arrived at 11:30 and I gave Joe the option of going to a yoga class or a movie. He loves yoga, but wanted a really relaxing day so we went to a movie. We made it home just in time for the massage therapist to arrive and set up. I got his favorite masseuse to come for a special treat of having the massage done at our house so he wouldn't have to drive. I also hired a friend of mine play the violin during the treatment as background music. Admittedly it sounds sort of weird to have live violin music, but the massage was done in the study with the door shut and the violinist was in the living room. From what Joe said it was the perfect volume. "Over the top. One for the books." was how he described it. I racked my brain for months trying to find the perfect birthday gifts that were thoughtful and just for him and I think he really liked them. I also got him his own yoga mat (a Manduka .... it weighs 8 pounds and will last a lifetime of yoga-ing), a couple of t-shirts, some mustaches (I'll get back to that one) and a Kindle with a leather case. I am so jealous of the Kindle because I would love one. I definitely see one in my future .... I am turning 30 in February after all.
I found this HIGHlarious mustache kit at a game store. I figured since Joe was officially a distinguished older gentleman that he needed a mustache to complete the whole look. He wouldn't let me take his picture, but we got some of the baby and I was DYING in fits of hysterical laughter.
I went and picked up wings and beer for his after massage lunch as well as the cake. OK. lemme just say I am in love with Tasty Foto Art. You email them a photo, choose how many and the size you want and in 2 days they will mail it to your house on sugar paper ready to go on a cake or cookies or whatever. I used my favorite picture of Joe when he was 4. This is not AT ALL how I asked them to decorate the cake, but I sort of love how ghetto it is with that stupid cone thing on his head. Joe loved it too. It says Happy 30th Birthday Joe around the side. The cake is from our favorite ice cream place Marble Slab. Joe doesn't like cake, but he does love vanilla ice cream with heath so that's what I got.
We lounged around the house for a few hours and then sitter #2 showed up at 7:30. Devon has been having a bit of separation anxiety lately so we decided to have the sitter come later so we could get him in bed before we left. He fell asleep at 7:00 on the dot. Perfect. We went to Maynard's for dinner (Joe hadn't been there before) and then on to Club Congress for after dinner drinks. After that we went home and had the cake and tried on all the mustaches. It was a really great day to spend as a family and to celebrate Joe on his special day.
bah ha ha haha ha ha ha I love the mustache ah ah ah ahah ah...ah. Oh and tell Joe happy late birthday...old man river is what I would sing to him on his birthday if you want to pass that along, I'm sure he'll love that.
fun...i totally want a kindle myself, they are super cool. sounds like a great day...good job
heehee! Happy Birthday! Annie, you did a great job planning the day. We just got the internet back, so I can now communicate with the rest of the world. If you and Joe want to go to dinner some time, let me know and we will get a sitter.
Love ya girl!
that cake is AWESOME!!!! He still looks like that in my head. Devon in a mustache had laughing out loud. You're a good woman. My bro is lucky to have you!!!
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