I started keeping track of Devon's milestones at the beginning of the month. When they happened I jotted them down on the 'ole bloggedy blog that way by the time the end of the month rolls around it's already written. Easy peasy. He is doing so many new things I must have re-written this 6 or 7 times to keep up with all the changes.
He has now figured out how to get himself up on the couch all by himself much to my dismay. Within a few days he has learned to get himself down as well, although, I still have to make sure he doesn't face-plant-off-the-couch so I have to be within arms reach most of the time. I put all the couch pillows down on the floor just in case ;)He is becoming SO independent he will play by himself for about 15 minutes at a time. He will cruise around the living room playing while I make dinner or empty the dishwasher which has been such a big help.
He has started his "Movers and Shakers" classes again twice a week and he is not into them yet. He is such a shy kid ... not one to really venture away from me so it takes him a few weeks to get the hang of it and actually have fun, but when he's into it he loves it. We go to the gym 3 times a week and he has a blast there with all the new toys and the teachers positively doting on him.
Now that it is warming up I try to get him to the park a couple of times a week so he can wander around and play in the sand. Joe made a little sand box in the back yard so we'll go out there when mom is too much of a "hot mess" to go out in public ;)
He has discovered pickles and loves them. I give him a home made orange juice popsicle with dinner and he LOVES them. He calls them "pop".
His new words are cheese, duck, nana or nanana(banana), cracker, shoes, cat, car, blue, baby, baloon, bubble, peacock and shirt. Though about half of the time "shirt" ends up sounding like "shit" and peacock just sounds like "cock" and we all have a good laugh. There are TONS more that I have heard him say, but he only said them once so I don't count those. He says "pa" for cup "ba" for bottle and my favorite "What's that?" as he points to every thing around him. So curious ....
On Tuesday (a few weeks ago by the time this posts) he could "tell you what the cat/lion" said with a distinct meow and growl. By Saturday of the same week he can can do sounds for dog, owl, fish, cow and my personal favorite "bee" to which he makes a "zzzzz" sound and shakes his head side to side. Adorable. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly kids learn at this age. He makes a "funny" face (sucks his top lip in and pushes his bottom lip out) and makes "fishy" faces. He positively loves "twinkle, twinkle little star" to no end and has me sing it to him as I rock him to sleep each night, while he eats, while he plays, while we drive .... pretty much all the time. He loves books and can't get enough of them to the extent that he would rather have me read him a book than play with his toys. He still loves peek-a-boo and I am happy to oblige him in this neverendingly sweet game.
he is soooo gorgeous! I wanna gobble up his face.
what a sweet little man, i agree with crys...wanna gobble up his face!
Awww baby D is so cute, love this blog!
aawww d! i miss you lil' dude.
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