She has definitely started smiling and showing off that dimple! All I have to do is start talking or smiling at her and she smiles away. She loves it when I lay her down and let my hair wash over her face. She kicks and waves her arms. Joe tells me she thinks I am magical. Ok ... I'll accept that ;)
She is cooing and melting my heart with those first baby sounds. She used to make all kinds of grunts and groans and Joe and I would look at each other and laugh at how "unlady like" she sounded, but now all that has changed.
Devon loves to snuggle with his baby sister. When he says "hold" he runs to the couch, gets into position and waits for me to bring Audrey to him so he can hold her. He is so excited to have her on his lap and giggles back at her when she smiles at him. He is so interested in her it's cute to watch them get to know each other.
He points out her hair, fingers, eyes, stomach and toes. He loves to stroke her hair, give her hugs, kisses, high-5s and fist bumps. He covers her with blankets and gives her a pacifier even though she doesn't really take them.
She is officially a thumb sucker. I have tried to take her thumb out of her mouth and give her a pacifier, but she spits it right out (if she takes it at all) and her thumb goes in. It's pretty adorable and it is easier than trying to track down a pacifier, but I'm sure breaking her of that habit will be tough.
Audrey sleeps from 9:00pm to 5:00 or 6:00am. No kidding. It's heaven and I thank her everyday for letting me sleep. She truly has made her entrance into this world easy in more ways than one. I love to pick out something cute and girly for her to wear everyday and I love, love, love that I can put her hair in pony tales. I can't wait for "winter" when I can put her in tights, sweaters and hats.
I love to squish her arms and legs ... she is SO soft! She definitely is my chunky baby and Devon was my little bird. She had her 3 month appointment today and had 6 shots. It took forever to get her on our insurance so we are a month behind on her shots, but she's still within a good time range so we're not "technically" behind. She is 90% for height (24.5 inches), 50% for head size (16.5) and 70% for weight. She weighed 15 pounds on my home scale, but the doctor said she only weighed 12. Does that mean that I weigh 3 pounds less? ;)I asked my pediatrician if you can over feed a breastfed baby and he said YES. I'm not over feeding her (I asked ;) since she goes 4-6 hours in between feedings.
I love wearing her in a pouch everyday and getting to hold her close. It's a MUST, in my opinion, when you have a 2nd kid to have a baby wearing system of some sort. It's an easy way to be hands free to play with the first child, the 2nd baby gets lots of snuggle time plus all the benefits of baby wearing (IE: easily comforted, good sleepers, voice recognition, lots of bonding time with the parent, etc) you're not having to carry the baby in your arms all the time (saving your arms and back from getting tired) and the baby isn't just being left on the floor. I use them at the grocery store so I don't have to lug a car seat around and she stays asleep so I don't have to worry about a meltdown.
This is my view of her in the Ergo carrier with the infant insert. (Check out those lashes!) It is a little bulky with the insert, but it just clips on so it is super easy to wear. She falls asleep almost instantly and stays asleep when I transition her to her crib. I couldn't do without this carrier. I use it everyday (and used it with Devon until he was almost 2) and it's my favorite. I also like the Moby wrap when babies are little because it holds them close, the fabric is super soft and they can be held in lots of positions.
She must have been holding it in all these months, but she has found her lungs and knows how to use them! She usually only cries when she's really, really tired, but she lets me know it for sure. The first time she cried I almost stripped her down to her diaper because I was sure something had bitten her ... she was that loud. It is still a little jarring when it happens, but we are figuring it out I am learning about her and how she likes to be soothed.
2 ponies!
Audrey loves to smile at her Daddy and it's cute to see them together with their matching hair. It's surprising that I have been asked on more than one occasion if she's mine. Seriously. I get it that Devon is so blonde and I am so blonde and Audrey is so dark, but seriously people ... genes can do amazing things! I have been asked if she's mine, if she's adopted or if Devon is from a different relationship than the one I'm in now. I know ... rude. I just smile and say no and make a mental note NOT to talk to them again.
I love to take her shopping and I treasure my one-on-one time with her. The second child usually doesn't get held or stared at as much as the first, so it's nice when it's just the two of us. She loves to be held close and I often soothe her by turning on some music and "dancing" around the room. That seems to work and I love that time with her.
There was a moment the other day when I had Audrey on one leg and Devon on the other and we were all snuggled together on the couch. It brought tears to my eyes to have both my babies in my arms. I'm sure as they get older those tender moments will become even sweeter.
I feel so lucky to have a daughter.
awe, such a sweet Audrey post. She is too precious for words.
She is beautiful, just gorgeous. Those eyelashes are going to be dangerous in the coming years!
Once someone stopped me when Serena and Bella were tiny and asked if they had different fathers. Can you BELIEVE that crap?! People say dumb stuff sometimes.
Genetics are fun and tricky. Like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of you are Audrey together. You both look so beautiful and at peace.
Also, the one of her little hand clinging to your shirt is priceless.
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