Don't they both look thrilled? Ha!
I took them to a Halloween party at this play group we go to on Friday morning. They had a few games, but it was too hot for poor little Pooh bear so we didn't stay for more than an hour. His costume is basically an arctic jacket with ears and pants so I'll need to be more careful next year with getting Devon to choose something more weather appropriate.
Friday night I thought it would be a nice family outing to go and get a pumpkin. We put Devon in a wagon and wheeled him around this huge tent and let him pick out two pumpkins to carve. It was a really nice set up. They had great live music, there was BBQ being cooked, beautiful orange, green and while pumpkins, tractors ... it was oddly peaceful being their with my sweet dolly asleep in my arms and Joe pulling Devon in a wagon.
Devon got to pet a goat, see the pigs and sit in tractors. I didn't know they were working tractors until he hit a button and the engine turned over. Oops!
The finished product.
Joe did the "Nighmare before Xmas" inspired one on the left and I did a classic happy face on the right.
On Saturday evening Joe's parents came over to see the kids in their costumes.
We met Jane and her family at the mall for trick or treating. They were Danny, Sandra and the pink ladies from Grease. Such a cute idea as a family concept.
Devon is still not really ready for Halloween so I didn't want to do door-to-door trick or treating anyway. 45 minutes of indoor candy getting was perfect for us. He got to see other kids in costume and I know he liked eating his suckers two at a time. He totally melted down when we tried to get him to eat dinner, but we went home and he was happily in bed by 7:15. It ended up being a pretty stressful experience for me and I don't think I was able to relax enough to really be able to enjoy it, but I think that Devon had a great time and in the end that's really what matters, right?
I have made a point of NOT eating Devon's candy ;) It's sort of lame when parents take their babies trick or treating just so they can have the candy. If he got something that he can't have (ie: jaw breakers) I just throw them out. He didn't get much candy anyway, but he got more candy than he's ever had in his life and it's kind of fun to indulge him this one time and let him taste it all. So far he likes suckers, air heads, sour candy and pixie sticks. The CUTEST thing by far is what he calls Twix candy bars. He calls them "chocolate toes". Hilarious.
Fun, fun Ha!!oween activity! I wish we could have seen the kids in person, but the pics couldn't be any better, so I'm OK. And I'm glad you included pics of Jane and family because I was too involved with the ward party to get any pics there either. Some years are off a bit. HAPPY HA!!OWEEN!! XOX
how fun, I think Charlie was hot in her outfit too...Maybe next year he will remember the chocolate toes and be way more into it. I think I might call them that from now on, what a funny kid. But how is it that you had to go to Savers for a PINK can't tell me that you didn't have one.
Katy, I DO have pink onesies ;) but I needed a plain "Piglet pink" onesie that I could draw on and throw out, which I had to do since the diaper exploded ... nice. I guess she gives out tricks ;)
they are sooo cute! My mom wouldn't stop gushing about them... esp Devon.
tucson is ridiculously hot in Oct. I always melt in whatever costume I choose.
Love all the pics and the Joe's pumpkin. :)
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