Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Why is it so hard to make friends?

Real friends. Not acquaintances, but real call-you-and-we-talk-and-go-shopping-and-hang-out-without-our-kids type friends. I'm a normal girl. I would like a few normal friends please. WHY is that so hard to do?

Honestly, most women annoy me for some reason or another so it's no wonder that my contacts list isn't bursting at the seams ;) I don't want that either. I don't want lots of friends. I want two. Maybe three, but I want REAL friends.

As a Mom I totally understand not wanting to call and talk on the phone. Some days when I can manage to get both kids to sleep at the same time the last thing I want to do is get on the phone and talk about kids and kid stuff.

Finding time and energy to go out and do something with a friend is difficult, too. I know how much preparation it takes to leave the house with out your kids. It sometimes feels like it takes more preparation to leave with out them than with them and there's the guilt of leaving them home, but I digress. But I think that girlfriend time is important. I go out at night by myself and go shopping and that's nice too, but spending time with another Mom is nice in it's own way.

I've never had lots of friends ... let's just be honest here. I always had friends, of course, but I was never the girl with a million friends. The only friend I still have (that's a true friend that I talk to with any regularity) is Joe and I married him so no one can really compete with that ;)

Since I became a Mom I have realized that making friends is difficult. It's easy to pass the time and go to play groups, but it has been difficult for me to forge any true friendships (with one exception and she knows who she is ;)

I have gone to a few play groups. Some with kids and some just women getting together and going out with out kids and I always thought I was "in" with these groups of women.

Ultimately, something would happen and I would see that I was very clearly not in at all. If you have been going to a play group for a while and want to know if you're "in" the group here's how you can tell ... if you don't know who's in or who's out ... it's you. You're out. You're not in the "in" group. You're there and playing and they're talking to you, but you're not "in" the group.

They all get together and do other playgroups and outings with THE SAME group of women, but they don't invite you. WHY this happens ... I don't know. Why are you invitable to a playgroup, but not out to lunch or shopping or a movie? It sucks when you realize that has happened. It's embarrassing and it shouldn't be, but it is.

WHY can't I just enjoy the play group and not let the other stuff bother me? Maybe I'm too sensitive. Maybe I'm desperate and they can sense that. Maybe I get on their nerves after one day and they can't handle another. You don't have to invite everyone to everything all the time. You don't have to be friends with everyone. Not everyone is going to like me and I get that. Trust me ... I annoy myself sometimes ;)

The point is ... making true friends is difficult.



Franklin Family said...

THIS is exactly what I was trying to say in my post! The part about me doing the inviting, but then never getting invited back. It's tough. Sad, but true. Just two or three good friends - but someone to call and talk to, cry with, laugh with, be frumpy with, what have you. The girl that calls to say "I'm pregnant but I haven't told anyone yet!" That's what I want, too. Non-judgmental women are difficult to find. Touche. (I don't know how to do the accent over the "e.")

Kate said...

Duuuuuudddee. Amen. My pickings are slim here and I have acquired a clingy friend who I can't shake and a group that I want to be a part if but feel pathetic and needy when I'm around them. (and they don't even know my name or know that I friend stalk them) And then I wonder if anyone really did invite me to hang out would I have the time or make the time or have the money to hang. Blerg.

Elizabeth Larson said...

I completely agree with you. And on the same note, it has taken me years (and you unfortunetly know this) for me to realize what a true friend is and what it takes for ME to be a true friend in return. I did not learn this until I became a mother AND moved to Boise away from my family and was forced to rely on myself, my husband and the friends I was trying to make. I had literally no one else. I made the best friends of my life, whom I am friends with this day. Even here in Utah, I have lots of friends, but my Truest friends whom I feel I am alike with, share the same likes, parenting values, etc. with, besides my sisters, are in Boise. It IS so hard to make friends. And I know I have said this before, but I am sorry it took me so long to realize what true friendship is. I am so glad after all these years that we are friends, I am just sorry for all the junk in between where I was NOT a true friend. It took me a LONG time to sort this out, but I am glad I finally did. Anyhow, enough long comments from me! Here's to making and keep great lifelong friends. I wish you luck, it is hard. And for the record, you would totally be IN for my group. I am sure of it Vato! ;)

Crystal Pistol said...

Great post Annie! I feel like that too! Strange. If we ALL feel like that we should maybe tear down our walls and be vulnerable. Ive got all KINDS of walls!

That's the part that sucks! So much easier said than done!

I'll be your friend!! I love you and already know who you are and I think your kids are pretty swell... :)