Thursday, March 26, 2009

Apples and bananas

We started Devon on rice cereal when he was about 4 months old. He liked it, but probably wouldn't have minded skipping it. I gave it to him every other day and he was really catching on to the whole eating with a spoon thing. Adorable. As I mentioned in one of my recent blogs, I have been having issues with an adequate milk supply and I am taking medication to help give it a boost. It still seems to not be enough so I decided to start him on baby food in hopes that the extra food would tide him over between feedings. Again ... adorable. We started with bananas and then apples,but he clearly prefers the pears. All flavors got funny, squinty, squishy faces. Such a fun stage.


Elizabeth Larson said...

Such a fun stage!! He is adorable. Looks like you are doing a great job!!

Kate said...

funny new food faces!

yo nance said...

You are such a cute fun to watch. I don't know which is cuter to Devon.

findingbenjamin said...

Oh, I can't want to see this little guy again! xo from uncle b

big red 26 said...

Ah ah aha he is making a funny face, he's so cute Annie I can't believe he's eating big boy food, crap I'm getting old.