We had to make our first trip to Urgent Care this month and it was the saddest thing ever. Devon got an ear infection and with that came congestion, high fever, loss of appetite, lots of slobber and runny nose and a general all over not-feeling-good. He slept in until 11:30 am (which sounds good, but really sucks since you know that means they must be really sick), but I was getting worried so I woke him up to give him a bottle .... that he didn't take. He sat propped up against my chest for 5 hours while we watched TV and he dozed in and out. I finally called the pediatrician since Devon hadn't eaten anything all day and only had 2 ounces of fluid. He said we should take him to Urgent Care where they gave him amoxicillan, an otter pop and he was on the mend two days later. Ahhh the magic of an otter pop! I left to go get the medicine before Devon went to sleep and Joe said he kept taking out his pacifier to say,"Mama" in his sad, sick, barely audible baby voice. This made me cry since he really needed me and I was gone for an hour (babies need their mama's when they're sick), but you do the best you can.
Less than a week later Joe and I both got sick ... really sick. I almost took Joe to the hospital he was so sick. Being sick and pregnant is no picnic either, but I wasn't as sick as Joe. At least we were sick together and he could help me take care of Devon since he was staying home to get better.
We started going to the Children's Museum and it has been so much fun. There are so many things to do there, it is different every time we go. There is a play kitchen and food stand, a train, an electronic section where you push buttons and stuff lights up, a vet clinic with stuffed animals, a firetruck with sirens and on and on and on. I have gone with different friends each time and I hope that they get an unlimited annual pass so we can go often. It is so cute to watch him play with older kids. Just when I think he is starting to look "old" I see him playing next to a 3 year old and I realize how truly little he is. I think I may have to give up one of our gym days so we can go once a week and work that into our routine even though it's a 30 minute drive.
Devon has started giving kisses to his stuffed animals and insists that you do the same. He has become transfixed with Winnie the Pooh (the new 3D ones) and will hand you the remote and say,"Pooh" until you turn on Tigger and Pooh. He loves all the songs and Tigger, but Pooh is the clear favorite. It is becoming more and more obvious that my relationship and Joe's relationship with Devon is completely different and we both get our special moments with him that the other may not. I'm sure this will become more and more apparent as he gets older and is able to do more things.
Devon loves to be on the computer and watch you tube videos of animals, play baby games and magically change all our settings. His was so into his color game he got closer to the screen by squatting instead of sitting on my lap. We don't let him stay on the computer for long, but he can be thoroughly entertained for 30 minutes. These new kids are so high tech!
Before: Sweetly playing in the sand.
After: Proudly showing his mouth full of sand .... gross.
Devon has hit that mimicking stage where he will say the last word or funny sound of a sentence he overheard as well as other, more challenging words you don't think he can say, but totally can! He will readily point out his no-no (nose), ear (by tugging on it), his tongue (by sticking it out at out), his toes (by lifting both feet into the air), his knee (by slapping it) and his little fingers by cupping them and putting them out so you can see them. He also lifts up his shirt to show you his belly. It's adorable. He is such a sponge and it is so amazing to see him learning a million things everyday.
He is learning to say,"Please" instead of whining as well as "thank you" and I make sure to readily give him what he's asking for (if it's something he can have) as well as heaping on the praise for using the word please in the first place. I am enjoying much less whining as a result of this new magic word. Plus, it's damn cute to hear him say an actual word.
Cooler than all the other kids ....