I have been feeling her kick, but not a whole lot this time around. My placenta is near the front of my belly so that has been absorbing the kicks I would normally feel. It is totally normal and nothing to worry about and I should start to feel more kicking once it starts to shift into a better position.
I have been holding out on buying anything for this baby until I knew for sure what I was having and this past week, I broke the seal. I went shopping! I got tons of stuff for Devon at Gymboree (before I understood that kids grow out of clothes at warp speed) and about passed out at the prices. I can't believe I used to shop there. What a rip off! I went to Target and got a few dresses that I thought were pretty unique and got some non-pink outfits. I am not against pink for little girls, but some of it is just way too pink it's nauseating. Then I went to Savers and rounded out the day with Lil Traders (Buffalo Exchange for kids) and found some great deals. Can't beat a $.50 newborn onesie with the tags still on. I need to go through Devon's old clothes and pick out stuff that will work for the little lady, but I am planning on using his clothes to make him a "clothes from his first year" quilt so I don't want to share too much stuff between them.
That 20 weeks flew by for me! Girls are so fun but sassy.
folding little lady clothes is the best...i love it. cute finds, way to go!
I adore the little dresses you bought!
Good idea about a 1st year quilt!
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