Yes, it's true. We're expecting a little lady and I can't believe it. I did predict that it was a girl, but I based that on the fact that my appetite this time around has been very different. I was ravenous when I was pregnant with Devon and with this baby I have to remind myself to eat sometimes. I am feeling a little nervous about having a girl, but ultimately we are thrilled. It feels like having my first baby all over again and my nervousness is wrapped up in all insecurity that comes with bringing a new baby home. I just want so badly to be a good mom to both my children and raise them in a loving, calm, and happy home I tend to over think all the "what ifs" that I have no control over. It was sweet to hear Joe say that knowing it was a girl put him at ease and that he was just super excited. It is so much more real for us now.
Joe went with me to the appointment and as we were sitting in the chairs outside the sonogram room "reading" (read that as staring at the book, but not taking in anything on the page. Mostly my palms were just sweating)we talked about how nervous we both were. We heard the doctor say to the couple she was with,"It's a boy!" and I thought,"She is not going to say that to us. The couple waiting outside our door is going to hear her say "It's a girl." And we were right.
Everything looks healthy as far as the brain, heart, limbs, etc goes and she weighs about 10 ounces. It is so nice to say "she" and not "it" or even worse stammering,"he, she, it, whatever." I will have another sonogram at my next appointment in a month to re-check measurements. I am only 18 weeks now and it is easier to get more accurate information after 20 weeks. My doctor is awesome because she could have just made me wait until my next sonogram to figure out the sex and do all the measurements, but I think she could see the desperation in my eyes and let me come in anyway.
Yes, I've already been to the fabric store .... bring on the pink!
Anyone who tells you that finding out the sex before the baby is born is "ruining the surprise" would be incorrect .... I WAS surprised! I mean .... I DID intuitively think it was a girl, but to know for sure was a surprise that I am so relieved to know. Having a girl tells me that she completes our little family. One boy and one girl. Big brother and little sister. Perfect! Now I get to choose a name, figure out how to arrange the upstairs bedrooms, get a few pink onesies, make baby blankets and daydream about my little girl until I get to meet her.
Seriously?!!!!! You are a lucky gal to get one of each...some of us will never know what thats like!! ;) But seriously, I am so excited for you. I totally get that your nervous about it all, handling two kids, dealing with girl things rather than boy things...but its all so exciting. Congrats! you seem like such a great mom I know you'll do just great!
Congratulations!!!! Little girls are SO MUCH FUN! I have to admit that I was having nightmares of boob job arguments at 16 when I found out I was having a girl - but it passed. Doesn't your family feel more complete with one of each? I'm so happy for you guys! Any names picked out?
Oh Annie! Congrats. This is so exciting. Hooray for pink!!! lady!
I'm glad you're both excited that it's a girl. We're all excited that you will experience the joys of both sexes. If it had been another little boy, however, we would have been just as excited. Can't wait to hold her and smother her in kisses and lipstick. XOX
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