(Little lady profile. Her hands are resting on her knees, but only for a second then she shifted around).
I have gained 15 pounds so far. She went through a growth spurt over the past month for sure. I guess she needed the extra calories because I was finally hungry! I am still on target with my weight even though my doctor's scale says I've gained more than my home scale says. I hate when people say, "You're pregnant .... this is your time to indulge!" Ummm yeah .... no it's not! Gaining too much weight can be just as damaging to the baby (and your own health) as not gaining enough weight. I was hoping to stay closer to 25 pounds this time around (since I gained 37 with Devon), but that will probably not happen at this stage of the game. I think I'll probably end up somewhere near 30 lbs. It doesn't seem like a big difference between 25 or 30 pounds, but YOU try loosing 5 pounds. It's HARD! Some weeks you gain more, some weeks less and that's just the way it goes. I am still running, though it is very slow and I only run 2 miles each time I get to the gym which is NOTHING compared to what I used to run. I am just happy to get my pregnant body moving like that at all without pain. I stopped running once I hit the 8th month with Devon so I hope to keep that up this time around.
(2 tiny feet. One a little blurry and the other so clear you can count the tiny toes).
I was working full-time when I was pregnant with Devon and was so sick and tired of the barrage of comments that I had to deal with day after day. I had tons of co-workers and since I taught group fitness I saw over 100 clients a day. They all seemed to have something to say about my growing belly and most of it was rude at best. Not all of it was bad, but I am always surprised how people go right to the negative. This time around it has been a dream. I teach 2 yoga classes on Sunday and all my students are just so excited for me they have been so sweet. They always say things like,"I haven't seen you in 2 weeks and your belly has grown ... you look so beautiful!" or "I hope I look like you when I get pregnant." Nice things a pregnant girl wants to hear. I am an old lady compared to the doe-eyed, 19 year old college students that pass through those walls, but it's nice just the same.
(2 little feet off to the left and a hand on the right. Look at those fingers!)
I am, however, tired of people asking me "how I'm feeling" and if one more person tells me that I will be "in my 3rd trimester through the hot, hot summer" I may have to strangle someone with my bare hands, but other than that I have been lucky. I live in the desert. I KNOW I will be pregnant through the summer. Even if I got pregnant in May I would be pregnant in the heat at some point since it's only actually "cold" for December and January. I dealt with the heat with Devon and it wasn't a big deal. Listen, when it's 110 degrees outside it's hot for everyone so you just deal with it. I would rather be pregnant in the summer with a full on belly than give birth in April and have to go through bikini season over weight and out of shape. THAT would suck.
Even though I have totally easy pregnancies being pregnant is hard work and it seems like everything is a little more difficult. Bringing in the groceries, taking out the garbage, hauling the laundry up and down the stairs .... makes me tired thinking about it. Even though it has been harder this time around I keep telling myself to enjoy being pregnant because this will be our last baby. We are a two kid family for sure. I do enjoy being pregnant .... really I do, but now that I know how great a baby can be I am just excited for her to arrive and get on with the fun! I can't believe I will have kids. Like .... more than one. Life just keeps getting better!
1 comment:
I recall you not really wanting kids at one point and now here you are prego with #2! Isn't life funny. I can't believe you ran at 8 months pregnant...I couldn't run to the bathroom let alone 2 miles. You are awesome! Can't wait to find out her name.
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