When Joe and I were dating, I think it took about a year for him to literally hand me flowers. Don't get me wrong ... I got flowers all the time, but he always found a clever way to give them to me. They weren't usually given for any special reason other than just making me feel special. He left them on my car, in my car, in my locker, on the window sill of my room or he would get to one of my classes early and leave them on my desk. I always got something a little out-of-the-ordinary like Bird's of paradise, tulips, hand picked yellow wild flowers or fire and ice roses. No red roses or carnations for me! At the ripe old age of 16 I always thought he was so romantic ... and I still do ;)
He planted these for Valentine's Day.
I have been with Joe nearly half my life. This post is a bit late, but as of April 13th we have been together 14 years. Joe still gives me unusual flowers, but also plants them around the house so I can have flowers everyday. Well ... every day when they are in season ;)
I knew there was something special about Joe before I even really got to know him. He was just unique ... he stood out. He was different from every other 16 year old high school boy I knew. He had this brilliant smile and an infectious laugh. He was so good looking he made me nervous! To be honest, I didn't really think that he liked me for a long time because I thought he was so cool and I was ... not. I mean, I was "cool" in the sense that I wasn't a dork or totally weird or anything, but he was mysterious cool.
Now we are "grown ups" and it has been so amazing to go from being his high school girlfriend to his wife and all the wonderful time in between. Joe is such a good Daddy and really looks out for Devon in ways that I haven't seen most Dad's do. It's hard to describe, but you can just feel the difference. When most Dad's complain how kids changed their lives (ie: no more golfing, no going out, all the negative stuff you usually hear, etc) Joe talks about how amazing it is and how excited he is for his 2nd one to arrive. He works so hard to provide for our family so I can be a stay at home Mom and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband.
He always says something nice about my hair when I get it done and compliments me on what I'm wearing. He encourages me to take naps instead of doing the laundry. He has ALWAYS been my biggest supporter and has fulfilled so many of my life long dreams with enthusiasm as if they were his own. He tells me all the time how beautiful and sexy I am which is nice to hear when you are 6 months pregnant ;) When he's not at work or being a hands on Dad he's building something in the garage, learning a new skill, toiling away on the new and expanded garden or planting me flowers.
1 comment:
Yep...he's a keeper, for sure. I totally agree with everything you said. I loved watching him go from a fairly uninterested-in-kids-kind-of-guy to a totally doting dad...cute and special in every way. XOX
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