I hope that my babies grow up knowing that their birthday is an important day to me because it's the day that I became their mom and THEY became my baby. I wasn't planning on having a birthday party this year. I don't think kids, especially at this age, need a party every year. What started out as let's-invite-just-family-over-for-cake-and-ice-cream is essentially a party because if every one comes it's about 26 people. So 26 people or not, I would have decorated the house just like this.

I love to decorate the living room because it feels like a party for about a week until I take every thing down. I made a bunch of paper flowers and strung up balloons.
Joe and I put balloons in their rooms when we wake them up. It's our tradition. I plan on doing this until they leave the house so they better get used to it! Hopefully next year she won't cry in terror :)
She wouldn't go down the slide with out holding hands with someone and Devon was more than happy to take on such an important job. She would kind of pull him down the slide, but they both loved it. They are very sweet to each other ... when they're not fighting :)

Breakfast of champions ... donuts on a string with out using your hands. First doughnut might as well be on your birthday, right?
Such a party girl!

Pretty party dress!
Let's open some presents!
What could it be?
It's Elmo! (I've got my eye on you, daddy :)
Funny faces.
I made a four layer, pink ombre cake. No one really ate it, but I guess that's because I made four different types of home made ice cream and who wants cake when you have home made butter pecan? Audrey blew out her candles and I think the "non party family gathering" went well.
Happy birthday my darling daughter.
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