After that we went to a furniture place to look at couches for the study. It is the one room in the whole house that I haven't really done anything with since we moved in nearly 4 years ago. I always considered it "Joe's room" and wanted to let him do with it what he wanted .... which means that there is a computer, a bookcase and a leather chair. 4 years later I am putting in a couch, an end table, possibly a rug and I'm hanging stuff on the walls ;) I don't want to have that room in my house when people come over I have to shut the door because it looks terrible. I don't want a super-decorate-ory house either. I think a few pieces of furniture will be a big improvement.
Anyway, we skipped the Smith BBQ and BBQed at our house. Joe grilled burgers and they were great. Avocado, cheese, katsup on a whole wheat bun with a diet coke .... yum. I was trying to put the baby to sleep and the fireworks started. We can see the downtown fireworks plus nearby resort fireworks from our living room windows. I opened the shade so Devon could watch and he did catch a glimpse, but passed out a few minutes later. Joe and I stayed up and watched Slum dog Millionaire. Great movie ..... very sad (the beginning nearly made me throw up), but in the end it was really well made. 2 thumbs up!
While I was at Katy's we did a mini sewing project that totally got me re-energized with sewing. When I was a senior in college (2007) I started taking sewing lessons in between classes and really enjoyed it. I made drapes, a computer bag and the dress that I wore to my college graduation. I've got a picture, but it's on another computer .... it is really pretty though ;)
Anyway, I was on quite the "sewing roll", but then I graduated from college, traveled, got pregnant and had a baby so I sort of lost my enthusiasm (and time) for it. However, I started a small project last Sunday and I worked on it when I had time in the evenings. I finished it tonight and I think for my first official quilt it's not half bad. It is not perfect and it is definitely not totally squared up, but I have no idea what I'm doing or how to do it right or how to do it better, so with that in mind I am pretty proud of it.
It is super soft on the back and very plush. I wanted to start with something sort of small before jumping into a huge project. I learned a lot with this small blanket and can't wait to get to the fabric store tomorrow and get more. I want to do new pillows for the living room, some pillows for the nursery bay window seat and a quilt for the crib. He sleeps with a blanket now of course, but I want to make a bigger one that he can grow with that also matches the bedding. Can't wait to get started.
OH MY GOSH...look at you go. that little baby quilt is sooooo cute! Go you!
Looks great, way cute project!
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