We went to see The Brothers Bloom last night and we set a record attendance for our little group .... 13! There were just 5 of us last week so this week was extra fun. Jaime invited her mom, Kathy, who used to be a student of mine. She is one of the nicest women I have ever met. I got to talk with her quite a bit last night and she is just so wise and comforting to talk to. You can tell that there is no judgment and so much love. Brandi also brought her mom, Cherry, and a friend-or-a-friend-of-a-friend brought her friends. I invited Linda Kowolski. We used to be friends when we were teens (and our older siblings dated), but she moved away when she joined the Navy. I haven't seen her since our wedding, but she and her husband moved to Tucson a few months ago and we have been reconnecting through Facebook. The really strange thing is that Linda knew one of the women there that I didn't know, Misty. Linda met Misty as a fill-in for Bunko over the weekend. Small town.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the movie. It was quirky like Amelie and Moulin Rouge, but it was sort of confusing and could have been SO SO SO great if they would have pulled it together better. It was beautiful to watch and very sweet at times, but it was lacking something .... I don't know what, but I would recommend it anyway. I wouldn't watch it again, but it was good to see once.
After that we went next door for late night happy hour for appetizers, drinks, dessert and conversation. Linda and I had dinner the other night (a double date with our husbands), but this was our first chance to talk just the two of us .... well with 11 other people there, but you know what I mean. She left the church a few years ago and I am fascinated by the process people go through when that happens. She and I shared similar feelings and experiences in that regard and it is nice to have a friend that knows your background, the culture that you come from and be able to understand certain things without having to explain them. It really was a nice night and I think Linda had a good time meeting new people. I think a subtle piece to the "mamas on the loose" puzzle which deems mentioning is all the husbands that stayed home and cared for the babies so we could go out. I really look forward to Tuesdays all week and I really appreciate that he is happy to have me go out. I think he has a really good time with Devon and loves spending that time with him one-on-one.
look out lady...soon you will be hosting bunko!!!!!
I look forward to Tuesdays also, but for a slightly different reason...square dancing. For the first time, last night, we had friends over for dinner before the dance. Maybe that will become the norm...maybe inviting a different couple every week. Nothing like good friends.
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