Delivery day still seems so far away, but now that I'm to this point it feels like it went from,"18 weeks and you're having a girl," and a second later to,"You're 27 weeks." Craziness. I think once I get to the 30 week marker time will somehow speed up.
I think my luck is running out a bit with having an easy pregnancy. I say that with a wink because the things I am describing as "having a difficult pregnancy" are not really a big deal, but they are the first hard things I have had to deal with this far since it has been a breeze up to this point. Going to the gym isn't as easy as it once was. I have been running a very slow 10 minute mile for 2 miles (yes, BOTH my feet leave the ground at some point)plus an extra mile on the elliptical. I get a little bit of back pain on my left side when I start the run, but it eventually goes away after a few minutes so I feel OK to keep it up. I also have been getting some pain in my feet and have started to feel some pressure on my belly probably from baby pushing out. None of these things make me feel like I should stop since they are temporary (and don't fall under the "stop running when BLANK happens" list), but I have heard that women stop running sooner with their 2nd child so who knows when I will have to call it quits for a while. They probably stop because they know that after the gym they can't go home and nap like they used to. They have a little one to play with until nap time and they're just too damn tired to burn out all that energy like a mouse on a wheel. I get that. Anyway, it's on my list of things to ask my doctor at my next visit which is coming up. I go in to see her every 2 weeks now which means I am getting closer to the end.
At my last appointment my OB said that the baby was nearly twice the size she should be so she moved up my due date a week to August 2nd. She did say that I may not stay a week ahead if the baby's weight gets back to normal, but when it gets down to it it doesn't really matter if my date is a week this way or that way because the baby will be born whenever she's ready to come out. I am not going to get pregnant again so I would like to be pregnant for a while ;)It would be cool for her to be born on her original due date of 8.9.10 so if she goes all the way til the end that would be a bonus. Not a day past though ... I will be induced on the 9th if things don't happen on their own. Chop chop little lady!
In a weird way I am happy to report that I have experienced my first situation with true "water weight gain" because those strange 3 pounds that appeared in 3 days DISAPPEARED literally overnight plus an extra just for spite. Yes ma'am I lost 4 pounds from one day to the next. So strange. Too bad true weight gain doesn't happen that fast.
I have gathered a few more things to decorate the little lady's room with and I think things are starting to come together. I don't want to buy an entire bedding set like I did with Devon. I got "gender neutral" bedding so I could use it for 2 kids, but I'm having a GIRL ... I want pretty pink roses and Frenchy-French looking stuff not red, blue and green alphabet letters! It's totally perfect for Devon and it works for his big boy room, but not for my new little lady. I am toying with the idea of making my own bumper, skirt and quilt and buying the bed sheet. It doesn't look THAT complicated, but I am not sure I have the energy. Usually in the evenings I either read or watch TV and I just want to sit there. Sewing requires lots of up and down, starting and stopping and trips to the iron. It's a lot of work, but I haven't done ANYTHING creative in a while and I may need to do it for that reason alone. If I find some fabric that I love I could be swayed.
It's so nice to document what you've got going on during the pregnancy. I wasn't too good at that. I love all the stuff you've collected for her room. Any names?
Her room is coming together so nicely! I love the little lady-like antiques that you have to put in her room. It suits you wonderfully! Erin (Adam's wife) ran up until 1 week before she delivered, with all 3 of her kids. She'd wrap an ace bandage around her belly to help support it - not sure if that's something you'd want to sport or not. Hope you had a great mother's day!
CRAZY to think I had Brayden at 27 weeks, not even close to being ready. Anyways, about that time you are not feeling so fun being pregnant anymore! Hopefully you can keep running for as long as you like ;) Great post. Looks like she's going to have a cute room.
Kim: We have agreed on a name, but I'm sort of waiting to announce it until she's born JUST in case we change it. I doubt we will since we both loved the name right away, but you never know.
Amber: Erin must be more of a runner than I am ... good for her to keep it up right until the end!! Amazing.
Liz: I can't BELIEVE you had Braden at 27 weeks!!! If that was full term I would sort of love that right now ;)
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