Joe set up the computer so I am back online and not totally dependent on my iphone. The only bad thing is the computer is in our bedroom along with all the other stuff from the study. It's at the foot of the bed and while our room has much better lighting and circulation than the study, it is just one more thing we have to maneuver around. I don't even make the bed anymore. What's the point?!?!
We are also putting in wood floors in the upstairs living room. I told Joe that if we couldn't get all the floors done BEFORE the little lady arrives then I didn't want to do it until she was 1 because I didn't want to have to deal with all the mess with a tiny new born and a toddler about to (hopefully not) enter into the terrible twos.
Today he ripped out the carpet upstairs leaving Devon and I trapped in the kitchen and living room all day. That's how it felt anyway. Basically the only semi-clean places in the entire house. We went to the gym in the morning, but in the afternoon we had to wait for some people to come and look at the floors so we didn't have enough time to go anywhere and be back home by the time they were supposed to be here. I was SO exhausted and it was my own fault (since I stayed up til midnight and got up with Devon at 6:45), but leaving the house would have saved my life and gotten me through the afternoon.
By the way the jerks never showed. Typical.
I know I sound spoiled ... complaining about the process of putting in new wood flooring and how inconvenient it is. I know that Joe is working so hard to get it done as well as the stress and extra work that gets heaped on him with his regular day-to-day job. He is doing a lot of the prep work himself as well as doing the landscaping. He is exhausted at the end of the day. BUT ... I am uncomfortable as it is being pregnant and I have to live in it with a toddler!!! I am somewhat of a neat freak and all this clutter has literally given me a constant headache and cleaning anything but the bathrooms is pretty much useless. I just hope that it all gets done before the baby arrives.
Oh, and if anyone wants to save us from the mess, feel free to invite us over for a play date ;)
Annie! I wouldn't dare you to come over to our place for a play date and see the permanent state of un-finishedness and disarray we live in. Entropy has a stronghold over here!
come over to our house any morning you want!!!
I am sure that has got to be a pain the rear!~ But I am glad that you are able to get internet again...I simply can't stand to be without the internet!!
Anyhow, I am glad all is well. And we would love to have you guys over for a playdate...just come to Utah!!
Oooo I'll BET this is driving you NUTS! Ugh. sorry. It'll be done and gorge before you know it!
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