I wouldn't describe myself as a a nervous person. I'm pretty calm and think that I handle crisis with a relatively level head, but I don't want to go through labor again! I mean, who does really, but seriously it's a pretty life changing experience that is truly intense. I think that women are really lucky to be able to have the experience of being pregnant and giving birth and getting to make PEOPLE inside our bodies! Amazing!!! Men miss out on those first kicks that only we get to feel and we get to take care of them 9 months before anyone else does. Everything we do, eat, drink and feel is for them during that time. Even though it was a really hard thing to go through and heal from, being able to push the baby out (and not via a C-section) was pretty surreal. I think the whole process epitomizes the sacrifices that we willingly make for our children and would do again and again just to have them with us. Not looking forward to labor, but I am looking forward to her little face.
I go to see my doctor every week now and as of today I am 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced. Not that that means anything really because I could stay that way for weeks, but it's something.
ahhhh, the beginnings od such a sweet little room!
Hey Annie! I can't believe you are so close to having a baby girl! Congratulations! How perfect that you get to have one of each. :) I don't want to be 'one of those people who offers unwanted advice' but I highly recommend waiting it out and not being induced! I had to be induced and it was SOOO painful and intense. I had to be because I went past my due date and was developing high blood pressure, but if ever given the choice in the future, I wouldn't do it. I didn't have an epidural or any pain medication, so I suppose if you are going to have that then the pain won't be so bad. Whatever you decide, I hope you have a great labor and birth experience and I can't wait to see pictures of your little princess! :) Best of luck!
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