Monday, July 26, 2010

38 weeks ... sigh

I had another doctor's appointment today and I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. (Last week I was 1.5 cm and 60% effaced so not much difference). My doctor looked at me and said,"I think it will be this week." I looked back at her and smiled while thinking to myself,"That's what you said LAST week." She "ruptured the membranes" so hopefully that will help to put things in motion. I thought I would be a little farther along since I have been having some pelvic pain. I was feeling really good this past Friday when I went to the gym and I ran nearly 2 miles. I think the pelvic pain was from that ;) She also told me to walk around and have lots of sex ... thanks doc!

Even though I wanted to believe my doctor about going into labor last week I am feeling more optimistic this week. I just can't imagine that my body would BETRAY me and make me go all the way to 40 weeks. No, I'm kidding ;) That just sounds crazy though. 40 weeks? Nutty. I have decided that if I am still pregnant by next Monday and feeling OK then I will just wait and see if I go into labor naturally. I don't want to go past the due date, but I think if I can handle it I will at least go to the end.

I don't know if I would call it a "confession" ... maybe "setting the record straight" about something that totally doesn't matter, but it's something that I have been referencing during this pregnancy. I have been saying all this time that Devon was 2.5 weeks early because in my mind that's what I remember. I started thinking about it and he was really only 12 days early. I know it's not a big difference in time, but it is a difference just the same. I only wanted to clarify this because I thought this baby would be early because Devon was. If she does arrive this week it would be the same as Devon.

I am just trying to stay positive and take it easy though Joe is constantly telling me that I'm doing too much. I am desperately trying to keep the house clean and organizing when I feel up to it. I don't want to be headed off to the hospital and leave the house a disaster. That really will raise my stress level as weird as that sounds. Whenever Joe and I would travel I would be up until 2 in the morning the night before we leave dusting and cleaning bathrooms because I don't like coming home to a dirty house. It's the same at night, too. I have to pick everything up, empty the dishwasher, empty the sink and put away the laundry before I can rest. I don't know where this compulsion comes from, but I hope to pass it on to my children ;)


Elizabeth Larson said...

I am totally the same way! The house has to be picked up at night and whenever we go on a trip, the house has to be clean (spotless really!) for when we come home. Don't do too much and know that we are all here rooting for you to have that baby this week!! Good luck!

Kim said...

I'm sure your compulsions run in the family...I'm the same way. Best of luck this week! Can't wait to meet Baby Girl Smith.

Kate said...

I wish in was a little more compulsive, I would be so much happier with how things looked. I also wish I had more time to get ready. Having a baby come a month early really screws up the plans.

big red 26 said...

Maybe that compulsion runs in the family 'cause I'm the same way. Everything has to be in it's place, all clothes put away, and the dishes done. I can't wait for her to be here!