Later that same day I was doing our typical night time routine. We look out each window in his room and look for the moon to wave goodnight to it. If we don't see it we say goodnight to whatever is outside the window, close the blinds and he says,"See yader." (see you later). After that I lay him down, stroke his hair and talk about all the things we did that day. My hair was hanging down low enough for him to touch and he was running his fingers through it and said,"Mama. Pretty. Hairs." He pluralizes most things these days so "hairs" was not a type-o.
I think what made this especially sweet for me was that yesterday was a pretty rough day. I was emotionally and physically drained by the time it was over. I was having contractions all day and some cramping by the end of it, probably from over exerting myself and not being able to rest. Devon took a super short nap so neither of us got to recharge. By the afternoon I decided that I was too tired to leave the house and since Joe would be working late I also decided that it was a no-make-up-not-doing-my-hair-day. I felt like a total lazy, exhausted, mess of a Mom that I try so hard to avoid being and my sweet little Devon told me on that particular day that I was pretty. I'm sure he probably doesn't totally know what he's saying, but it was nice to hear just the same.
You DO have pretty hairs.
I was so impressed how NOT prego you acted at the museum the other day. Most women at this stage are a MESS. You are a fully functioning beauty.
I LOVE that boy!!!!
That is the sweetest thing ever, and the timing of it was so great! What a sweet boy you have, you are clearly doing things right as a mom to have him saying that to you...;)
He totally knows what is going on, and knew just what to do to pick you up...that only he could do.
What a sweetie.
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