Audrey is 1 month old today! This is how you will usually find her ... sleeping. She sleeps All. The. Time. Some days she is literally only awake for feedings and not only do I have to wake her up to feed she won't even open her eyes. She has been a dream 2nd baby. When I do happen to catch a glimpse of her eyes I would guess that they might end up being blue. Her hair also seems to be getting a little lighter around her face so we'll see what happens. (By the way, the bones on her shirt glow in the dark).
We went to the grocery store yesterday and I have decided that going to the store in this heat with 2 kids is SO not worth it. All-in-all the trip went fine since I put Devon in one of those cars attached to the cart and Audrey in the Ergo carrier. However, I would rather go at night after I have put them both to bed and spend time playing with them instead of dragging them on errands I prefer to do alone. By the way, when I say the "first trip to the grocery store went fine" I mean that I had to pull over 3 minutes into the drive and nurse Audrey. No big deal, but after all the shopping was done and had loaded the food and Devon into the car I realized that the battery was dead and had to get someone to give me a jump. (Just when I realized I needed a jump the guy that was parked right next to me was leaving and was happy to help so I only panicked for 2 minutes). So yeah ... it went fine ;)
In spite of all her sleeping, she does seem to wake up a bit more around her 8pm feeding which is nice because she gets my 100% undivided attention and we just stare at each other ;) Joe calls her the "hold-a-holic" because when he watches her she just wants him to hold her. Can't say I blame her ;)
There was ONE day last week when the weather was "nice" (read that as hot, but overcast) so I took the kids to the park. Devon was so excited he wanted to hold his bucket and shovel for the 2 minute drive there. We were all a little sweaty, but it wasn't bad and it was a good first visit. It's tough to play with Devon in the sand with Audrey in the carrier, but I'm sure it will get easier as she gets a little older.
We are just enjoying our little little lady and covering her with kisses. Since my hair is stick straight I don't really know how to manage her curly hair, but I love to style it into a little wave on the top of her head since that seems to be the only way to tame it. She is such a doll and loves to snuggle with her Mama. She was a little fussy yesturday so after I put Devon down for his nap I brought her into bed with me and she took a nap in my arms while it rained. It was heaven.
1 comment:
A nap with baby in arms while it rains IS heaven. I'm jealous.
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