Audrey had her first doctor's appointment last week and she was 60% for weight, 80% for height and head size. Dr. Kopas wants her to put on a little weight (back to her birth weight since she lost 8 oz) so we have been working on that and trying to fit in a few extra feedings. At her 2 week appointment today she put on a whole pound and is still above average for all her other stats. Yeah!
I am excited to report that nursing is going great! It was a little painful with that first latch for about a week, but that has now gone away. (Lansinoh nursing cream was a lifesaver that first week). Last week I was feeding her and held a pumping bottle up to one side while I nursed. I "leaked" 2 ounces ... AMAZING! Up until then I had just been letting it absorb into a cloth, but decided to try and save the milk and I'm glad I did. I finished the feeding and was still able to pump 3 more ounces. It really puts my mind at ease to know that she is getting enough milk and getting the very best. I have no qualms about using formula. I have no ego this time around insisting that the baby only gets breast milk. If she needs milk and I don't make enough then formula is the next best thing, but it's great to know that at this point she doesn't need it. I feel so much more relaxed about feedings and nursing in general and that has been a nice change.
Sleeping on the blanket that Granny made for her.
She eats every 3-4 hours during the day and only gets up twice a night (2am & 5am). That has been the greatest gift to a Mom with 2 kids under the age of 2 at home. I have heard of kids sleeping through the night at 1 or 2 months and I didn't believe it, but at this rate maybe I will be one of those lucky Moms. I hope that as she gets older she doesn't get up more often, but I will take what I can get and enjoy the sleep for now if that's the case. I slept in the guest room with Devon until he was sleeping through the night at 5 months so Joe could sleep and be rested for work without being woken up by the baby all night long. Since Audrey only gets up twice, Joe and I decided that it would be OK to have her in our room in a pack-n-play crib. It's nice to have her within arms reach to hear her fussing to eat and I am able to get to her before she gets so upset that she cries.
Chatting up my little sister, Elizabeth, A.K.A Aunt Bizus.
I had to take her in for her heel prick this week and I was much more mentally prepared this time around. I took her out of her car seat once we got there and she had blown out her diaper All. Over. The. Place. How can it crawl all the way up her back to the neckline of her onesie? Luckily, I brought an extra outfit (something I almost didn't bring) for her so we were fine. She only cried while they were squeezing her heel and when they were done she fell asleep. Her umbilical cord also fell out and I was able to finally give her a real bath. I didn't take any pictures because I pretty much got her in and out as fast as possible.
We stayed home the whole first week after she was born, but by the 2nd week we ventured out and went to my Mom's to visit my parents, my brother and his 3 kids. Other than figuring out which order to get what kid in the car first, leaving the house was so not a big deal. I'm sure the ease of going out will change once she gets older, but for now I am feeling good about this whole having-2-kids-thing. If it wasn't so hot here going out would be a breeze.
I must admit that I am now in LOVE with pink. Pink onesies, pink dresses, pink shoes, pink blankets, pink, pink, PINK! I love it and I can't get that kid in enough pink stuff. I am particularly fond of the diaper/undies covers ... how cute are those? I saved a few of Devon's clothes for her, but now that she is here the last thing I want to do to my little lady is put her in something remotely masculine ;) When she's a little older I'll break out the dinosaurs and sculls, but not quite yet. I was not a fan of "brain squeezers" A.K.A. baby head bands, but they really do look over-the-top-cute so I may have to make a few.
Audrey is such a good baby and rarely cries or fusses. She is starting to be awake for longer periods of time and I love to see her with her eyes open. She is very chill and low maintenance, but loves to be snuggled and held in the Ergo carrier (The Ergo is officially my new favorite baby wearing system since I got the infant insert. SO much better/easier/more comfortable than the Moby. Sorry Moby!). She doesn't seem terribly interested in a pacifier, but will accept it on occasion. I love to hold her, stroke her curly hair and kiss those cute cheeks! A friend told me that I would love having a baby around the house and I DO!
I remember when Devon was a few months old and seeing little, blue, boys clothes all over the place and how cute I thought that was. Now there are these little touches of pink popping up all over the house and it positively makes me smile. It is a very peaceful, fulfilling feeling to know that all the members of my little family are all here.
that last pic of you and Cutie-Pie is gorgeous. I CAN'T believe you already went running! U krazy, girl! Good job!
Sooooo sweet. What an absolutely adorable post. Sounds like you are in LOVE! Glad all is well for you and your sweet new baby. Congrats again!
Oh, she is just the cutest thing ever. What a great post sister. I too love pink, I'm not a fan of doing laundry, but I love folding little pink clothes.
Not the best two miles I've run? Seriously? What's wrong with you?!
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