Last year for our anniversary our babysitter had to call us 45 minutes after we left for dinner because Devon wouldn't stop crying. She was worried that something was wrong with him so I was glad we went home. I did, however, hope that this year would be different ;) We love our babysitter. She's very good with Devon and genuinely seems to want to spend time with him. He loves to play with her and show off all his tricks. It was the first time Rochelle met Audrey and watched both kids at the same time. She seemed a bit overwhelmed at first, but it was totally understandable. Right as we were about to leave Audrey woke up and needed to eat. While Rochelle was trying to thaw frozen breast milk, Joe and I were trying to convince a crying Devon that he would be OK without us. The last few times we've had a sitter, Devon was asleep when we left so it has been a few months since he's actually seen her and had to deal with us leaving. It was a little chaotic, but she did a great job at distracting him so we could slip out and he went to sleep without incident.
Joe planted me some mini roses (as he does every year we're married) by the front door and vowed to take care of them so I wouldn't kill them with my greenish-brownish thumb. I don't kill ALL plants, but I have 2 kids, 2 cats, a husband and a house to take care of so plants are at the bottom of my list which means they often don't make it. He also got us tickets to the Tosh. O comedy show in September. Daniel Tosh has a great show on Comedy Central that we watch and love so we are excited to go to his stand up show. We need a sitter if anyone is interested ... September 24th! Joe lost his wedding ring quite a few years ago and recently mentioned that he wished he had one so I got him a new ring. It's the same brushed finish and shape as my ring so we match ... awwww. I was going to wait until next year for the big 10, but I wanted to do something nice for him now.
Joe got a gift certificate from a client that he built a house for to this fancy steakhouse so we went to Sullivan's for dinner. It was for $150 and it barely covered our meal. I had the PER-FECT glass of Chilean Merlot that I've ever had in my entire life. I wish I would have brought home a bottle because it was insanely good. I got a fillet and Joe got prime rib. We got salads, appetizer, and split some "home style" onion rings, but they were so big I was only able to eat 1.5. We finished off the meal with a raspberry souffle that was divine.
Joe (18) and me (17).

Even though we are self proclaimed "home bodies" it is always nice to go out and spend time uninterrupted. It's also nice to have someone else do the bed time routine and be able to focus on each other for 2 whole hours ;)I also love the don't have to cook/clean up part, too. We were able to catch each other up on some of the details of our lives, get a little dressed up and go on a real date. I have to admit that part of the fun for me is watching the waitresses drool over him and look at me with those "you're so lucky to be married to him" faces. Can't wait for next year!
To read my post/see pics from last year click on the link http://annieryouok.blogspot.com/2009/08/happy-anniversary.html
I LOVE that last pic. So romantic and beautiful! You look exactly the same.
And let's not forget how lucky he is to be married to YOU! (I'm lucky to be married to you too... since you marry the family and all...)
Happy Anniversary! It's hard to believe how fast time flies until you look back at all you accomplished. And, I second Crystal - I love the last picture of you two. You have been in love so long, and share a love that is to be envied. :)
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