Devon had so much fun playing with Uncle B while he was here visiting. Devon reaches out to him whenever he sees him, something he usually only does with me and Joe. Ben is so great with him, making him laugh, giving him bottles, carrying the car seat and being such a support to me while he is here. I don't know how many times Ben, Devon and I have been out to lunch or shopping and people comment what a cute family we are since Devon is so comfortable being carried by Ben. Sort of awkward since Ben is my BROTHER and not my husband, but I enjoy watching people's faces when I tell them that. It's sort of a mixture of embarrassment and horror ;)
Devon is a pro at pulling himself up to stand as well as getting down with care. He is learning to be much more gentle with the Sam the cat, but still whacks him in the face and pulls on him every once in a while. He is learning the words "gentle" and "soft" when petting the cats and mom's hair as well. He just started going up stairs this week and it is giving me anxiety. I should get my super-duper baby gate on Monday. He has also started standing on his own and will occasionally stand up from the ground without any help from anyone or anything. He will give you the 'ole eye brow raise as if to say, "Dude ... did you just see that? I'm standing all by myself. Ahoy! I'm a stander." (* If you have seen What about Bob, say that last part like he does ;)We have been meeting up with Aunt Jane and 2 of her girls at the mall every week to play as well and going to story time at the library and then playing toys with Roman and his mom afterwards.
He loves to spend time with his Daddy sitting on his lap at the computer, watering the garden or crawling over him in bed. Devon is definitely to that age when he is very attached to us and doesn't like us to be away for too long. Our 8 year anniversary was classic-first-anniversary-with-a-baby because the babysitter called us right after we ordered our dinner to tell us that he hadn't stopped screaming for 45 minutes. We packed up our food and went home. Once we got there he OF COURSE stopped crying and went to bed 30 minutes later. In spite of that it was still a great anniversary because we got to spend the evening together without TV or computers.
Devon loves to eat mandarin oranges by the fist full, banana and sweet potato yogurt and is gaga for Cheerios. I think he is a snacker in general and will eat anything including cat food, whole cloves of garlic and breath mints. He is back on a schedule and takes one nap a day and is in bed by 7. Yeah Devon!
He is such a good kid I know that I have been spoiled with having him first. Even when he is really tired he doesn't really fuss he just gets very quite. He is starting to "hug" and hold us tight when he wants to be held close. He has an easy smile and an wonderful giggle and we are having a blast. Next month all 3 of us will take our first trip together to California so Joe can fight in a jujitsu competition and spend some time seeing the sights.
It is very sad that they grow up so fast. He's such a sweet boy. You are a lucky mama.
almost a year, that is so crazy!!! pictures are cute with b and j
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