Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Garden

I have always wanted a garden, but I do not have that mysterious and elusive "green thumb". I can't keep plants alive so I have never had a garden. Cue my husband. He seriously has psychic powers when it comes to plants. I truly believe that if Joe plants something and it doesn't grow then the plant was flawed from the beginning because he can grow anything.

He started a little garden in the back yard and worked on it everyday before and after work. He has called for jihad on the rabbits, lizards and pocket gophers who keep infiltrating the garden, but I think he has them on the run. He takes the baby outside every day to water, prune and pick tomatoes. Devon loves being outside and Joe loves showing him the moon, the bats, letting him hold the hose and play in the water and showing him lizards he catches. I think that is a special time for both of them to share.

Joe planted cucumbers, cantaloupe, 4 different kinds of tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, lemongrass, rosemary, oregano, chives, and basil. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the herbs. It is so nice (and cost effective) to go out to the garden and pick fresh herbs for a recipe.

Our new obsession is bruschetta. Diced tomatoes (warm from being outside and fresh off the vine), olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette, basil, salt, pepper on toasted french bread and voila! The perfect summer snack. I like to add avocado because seriously .... avocado makes just about everything taste better.

Ben, I think you would LOVE this.


Kim said...

I tried to grow one tomato plant and I only got 1 tomato...literally, that's all. I guess I need to rethink how I am going to survive should the end of the world come to pass.

Franklin Family said...

I am so jealous of the garden - it's beautiful! You'll have to get some tips from him and post them for us black-thumbed amateurs.

Kate said...

ohhhhhhh, that looks soooo good. my garden is being infiltrated by the previous owners and whatever they had planted in the same place...cause my lettuce is gone and another green plant is there now. i'm a few days away from tomatoes and can't wait.

yo nance said...

Nothing like fresh tomatoes from the garden? Way to go, Joe, with all your green-thumbness.

Now we need a photo of Devon with the watering hose. That would be so adorable!

findingbenjamin said...

lololol. before I even got to the last line I was thinking: I would LOVE this! I'm dYIng here--have it ready when I come, OK. ;) xo b

big red 26 said...

Daaannnnggg that does look delicious.