The fact that is seat is called "Safety 1st" is totally hilarious. It could not be further from the truth.
I was feeding Devon in a bouncy seat for a few months until he started to do that "I want to sit up" thing and knew that he was ready for a high chair. Hoping to skip yet another expense and consume yet another thing that would clutter up my house I wanted to get a chair with a tray, that could be anchored to a dining room chair that would convert to a booster as he got older. I don't know why, but I just didn't want to get a high chair. Maybe getting a highchair actually meant that I really did have a baby living in my house. As if the car seat, bottles, diaper genies and BABY weren't enough of a clue, but I digress ..... I went to Babies R Us and asked an employee to help me in recommending this product. She actually hands down said this one was the best and it only cost me $22.99. It was not the cheapest and not the most expensive (usually my purchasing parameters for buying baby stuff) so I bought it.
As soon as I got it out of the box I could tell I just bought a total piece of crap. It SMELLED like it was going to absolutely just fall apart. I decided to give the salesgirl the benefit of the doubt and assemble it anyway. This was her #1 pick! While I was snapping stuff into place and anchoring it to the chair I was literally shaking my head thinking,"There is no way I am going to put Devon in this." Once I had it all set I said to the chair," Sorry, but I freaking told you so." There is no way that sales girl had ever seen this product, let alone used it. I have a feeling that she was probably trying to be helpful, but didn't know anything about one product in particular and just picked the first one she saw.
It was shaky, totally unstable, the table was nearly impossible to snap into place, but once you got it in place it was nearly impossible to unsnap it! Devon is a totally average sized kid and he would probably barely fit in this when he was 7 months old. This was supposed to be a booster seat at some point right? No way this chair could hold a 2 year old.
I couldn't get it back to the store fast enough. I took it back that day and walked away empty handed. I am sure there are better seats out there that are similar to this one that actually work. I wanted to warn you against this one in particular. I did go to their website and read reviews about this product when I got home. I wish I would have done that in advance because it had nothing but negative reviews and only got one star out of 5. Some reviews even said they would have given zero stars, but you have to give one even if it sucks. This one definitely does.
I did eventually do the deed .... I bought a highchair. It is the greatest thing ever. More on that later.
Thanks for the heads up, I definatly won't be buying that one this week. Thanks again I almost made a HUGE mistake.
i love that you gave the chair the old "I told you so." owned.
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