After yoga we went to this great yogurt place called By The Ounce (BTO). You help your self to soft serve yogurt (I got peanut butter .... YUM!), add any toppings and then they just weight what you got and charge you accordingly. It's a pretty sweet deal. It's like a test in portioning your food or something, but it was so good.
The last few days have been really good at home for our family. Devon seems to be back on some sort of a schedule(he's getting there at least) and that has made all the difference in his temperament. We started going back to the gym this week which has really helped regulate his naps. When he was teething we didn't go for a few weeks because he was so cranky. I didn't think he would be a happy gym baby and getting him back into the habit was tough, but I think he likes being around other kids and playing with new toys. The girls who work there just adore him so he gets lots of attention.
Today we went to The Little Gym for a free trial gym class. I use the word "gym" very loosely when talking about the class for a baby Devon's age. They play games, stretch, sing songs, blow bubbles, and play on this giant inflatable thingy. Devon pretty much hated all of it for the first half hour, but he warmed up my the end and even did pull ups on the uneven bars. He was one of the older kids there (it was for babies 4-10 months), but next week we will try a class for babies 10-18 months and see how he does. I don't think it is something we will join (it's like $350 for 1 class a week for 3 months .... crazy to pay that for a baby class), but it is still fun to try and have an outing for the day.
I met this girl named Emily and her super cute son, Roman, at the library reading time a few weeks ago. We had a lot in common and met for coffee later that week. After coffee we walked to this cool toy store where our kids were there long enough to play with and get bored with all the toys so we didn't have to buy anything. Devon and Roman seem to have a similar, laid back personality and got along really well. Babies this age have no concept of "sharing", but they did just fine. Our kids are only a month apart, we went to the same high school (though we didn't know eachother), she lives near the home I grew up in,she is really easy to talk to and a really sweet girl. She invited me to The Little Gym class and told me about a "movers and shakers" class that Devon is enrolled in next month at Udall. I think we are going to hit up all the fancy "kid gyms" around town and get our fill of free classes.
Devon has been amazing this past week. I no longer have to worry about him falling when he stands up because he can totally do it on his own and get down safely. He crawls like it's going out of style and keeps me on my toes. I think not one, but TWO baby gates are in my future. He pulls up to standing and has started letting go and standing on his own. You can see it on his little face that he is so proud. It is so fun to watch him go through all these milestones.
It's cool that your trying all those things with Devon, and great that he is getting back to a normal schedule for both your sake and his! That second picture of him is sooooo adorable! His eyes are soooooo baby blue. Super cute!
oh, precious Devon...hmmm free classes, i might have to look that one up. way to take your loose mamas to yoga. cool lady!
Awww thanks for the updates it's as if I'm there and haven't missed a beat. Cute kid!
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