I forgot to mention in last months post that IT finally happened .... Devon fell out of his crib. I know, I know SO sad. I was cleaning the house during his nap and I heard a "thud" followed by crying and I KNEW what had happened. I went up to his room and he was carrying his blanket and walking towards me in tears. As sad as it was I thought it was cute that he escaped with blanket in hand. I promptly turned the crib over, lowered it to it's lowest setting and he went back to his nap without a fuss. Poor kid.
Devon's Movers and Shakers class is on a 2 week break before the 2nd half starts up again so we will have to find something else to do for a little while. I am starting to worry about how I will get him to classes (or at least one class a week) when the new baby arrives. He really enjoys them and I would hate to have to stop taking him. Hopefully I will be able to work out a babysitter or figure out how to get it to work with Joe's work schedule.
Devon loves to go up and down the stairs, push his shopping cart, play with (read that as terrorize) the cats, read books, put on grown up shoes and open doors. Lock the bathroom door when you are over here, folks! You've been warned ;)We set up an old laptop for him to pound on and he has figured out how to turn on the voice narration that says everything that you type .... we didn't even know it had that option! He loves it and is able to get important work done. It captivates him for minutes at a time ;)
He still takes one long nap in the afternoon which has been a huge help for his pregnant mama. I usually feel pretty good, but about 3 times a week I can't keep my eyes open so I indulge myself and nap when he naps. Some days I couldn't get through without one. I feel good otherwise and am just now starting to show a little. If you didn't know me you wouldn't really be able to tell I was pregnant and even some of my regular yoga students didn't know until they overheard someone ask me about it. I can still fit into all of my regular clothes though they are getting less and less comfortable. I am trying to stay in my jeans as long as possible since I won't ever wear them in the hot, hot summer. I think I look the same at this point in my pregnancy that I did with Devon even though I've gained less weight this time around.
Devon loves to eat strawberries, laughing cow cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and his long time standby .... ramen noodles. He is getting pretty good at using a fork to eat all this food, but don't EVEN try to make him do it with a kid utensil .... adult forks only please. He can say SO MANY words it's hard to remember them all, but some of the newest ones are no-no (which means nose and grabs his nose or puts his finger up it)cake, coke, boobaa (which is Buddha. We have a little statue in the house), cacacator (calculator), leche (milk in Spanish), bubble, baby and more! He talks all the time and I never get tired of hearing his little voice say,"Mama."
By the way he totally put these on himself and wandered around the house looking oh so cool and saying,"Cool."