I was still in the hospital when this picture was taken. Proof that there is such a thing as an ugly baby I'm sorry to say.

I was about to turn 1 in this picture.

I drink caffeine free herbal teas in all flavors.

I don't have any wrinkles .... yessssss.
I live in a home that was built by my husband.
I am really shy when I meet people for the first time. I unintentionally and awkwardly act like they're not there until they ask me a question.

I weigh myself every morning and sometimes right before I go to sleep.
I had my first and last Big Mac at McDonald's when I was 16.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 9 years this August and we've been a couple for 14 years this April.

I have a dead give away that I'm nervous (or really bored) when I slide the backing on my earring to the end until it clicks, then I slide it back up to my ear. Repeat.

(There are SO many things that I love about this picture. The pink onesie, the fanny pack and the fact that I am pretending to ski in the parking lot at a dead stop in front of the van is my personal favorite.)
I finally started parking in the garage. Luxurious.
I am smaller now (as a size 0-2) than I was in high school.
I hate having my picture taken.
I don't like chocolate, but if I do eat any it's only Ferrero Roche. In our house we call them "hugs".
I love it that my husband and I have our own brand of humor that only WE understand and that makes us laugh uncontrollably ... and makes no sense what so ever.
I could eat pomegranates every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of eating them.
I am a Yoga teacher and teach 2 classes back-to-back on Sunday.
I work out at least 3 days a week. Yes ... this was my 2nd marathon that year and yes ... I wore my Chanel's.
I love junk food like apple licorice, popcorn, Gobstoppers, triscuits with cheese, and Hagen Daze peanut butter ice cream on a sugar cone.
I don't drink soda, but I look forward to drinking it again soon. How I miss the sweet, sweet nectar!
I think doing your nails is a sign of good grooming. They don't have to be painted, but clean, even and filed. I used to bite my nails until I envisioned an engagement ring on my finger and promptly stopped. I know my nails are a little long, but I painted them myself, they are real and I rocked them on my wedding day. Take THAT nail biting!
I still think offering to babysit my kid is the ultimate expression of love and thoughtfulness. People who do that show that they care about my son, but also show that they care about me as well and understand that every Mom needs a break.
I read emails right away, but take forever to respond back.
I love to get Devon from his crib first thing in the morning. We miss each other!
I have a main goal in life and that is to avoid being stabbed.
I am obsessed with keeping my grocery bill as low as possible.

I don't use coupons. I buy mostly fresh produce and meat.

(Members Only jackets rule!)
I prefer to text than talk on the phone, but I hate having a "phone conversation" via text. I would rather just talk to you in person.
I have long eyelashes.

I would rather rent a movie than go to one.

I LOVE going out to dinner. What a treat it is to not have to cook or clean up.
I fall somewhere between an Agnostic and an Atheist, but not stronger on either side. OK I'm a little stronger to one side.

I am EXTREMELY bothered when people use "your" instead of "you're" and "to" instead of "too".

I am a list person. If it's on my list it will get done.
I eat 2 eggs and 2 slices of extra lean ham for breakfast every morning. 1 egg white only and 1 whole egg mashed in a baby food grinder and sprinkled over whole wheat buttered toast .... or low fat, gluten free, wheat free waffles with sugar free syrup.
I suck at getting people gifts.
I would never wear sweats out of the house (the gym is the only exception).
I don't own sweats.
Alright, I DO own an ARIZONA sweatshirt (OK 2 sweatshirts, but they are both Arizona), but that doesn't count because I graduated from the U of A so I get a pass.
I love to sew, but wish I was better at it.
I am genuinely afraid of scary movies, but this year I watched 2 of them and was
only really scared by one of them.
I am a mother of 1 and mother-to-be of another. I am 13 weeks pregnant. Our 2nd baby is due 8.9.10
(There is only 1 baby by the way. This was a very early sonogram, but the circle on the left is the baby and the circle on the right is the yolk sack.)
I remember when I was a teenager thinking that 30 was old.
I turn 30 years old today.
LOved every bit of this. Happy three-oh! ;) b
Happy birthday! And congratulations on Devon's new sibling on the way.
WHOA!!! Congrats girl!! Having two close together is HARD but they are also best friends, and its WONDERFUL at the same time! ;) That is so awesome. What a great post, and a great way to announce. Happy Birf-day!
Awesome!!!! I love learning new things about you, this was a great post. And the new photos are so cute, it's been forever since I've seen them and a few I had never seen before.
You were not an ugly baby. Didn't know it was your birthday but I hope it's a blast. What do you sew? I'm working on massive cross stitching for both Julia and Josh.
Happy Birthday Annie!If you are 30 today, then I am almost 30. Yikes! I remember one of my favorite memories of you was when you gave me a bag of your old clothes, and I thought I was the coolest girl in town, because you were the coolest! Congratulations on baby #2. That is so exciting. I hope you are feeling great, and enjoy this time. Love you girl!
Hi there, because I follow Kate's blog I read your too. I have learned many things, but most I have learned what a lovely sister Kate has. Have a Great Day and the best if yet to come Jeannie
You are so tricky!! Happy b-day and congrats! xoxo
Annie, fun, fun list to read on your 30th birthday. Fun photos. Fun way to make your happy announcement about your new baby. Oh, and by the way...your mama didn't have any ugly babies. XOX
Great post, Yoga Barbie. (I'm gonna call you that until it gets annoying for you... which means I'll stop now.) happy birthday! Love ya!
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