I shut the bedroom door with both of us inside while I got ready this morning. All of a sudden I hear a pouring liquid sound .... NEVER a good thing when I'm not the one doing the pouring. Both my cats were sitting on my vanity and looked at me and said,"Dude .... that's not good."
I went over to my side of the bed and there was little Devon. Sweet, innocent, darling little Devon COVERED in green Nyquil. Also covered in Nyquil was my pillow and the floor. He didn't have any on his face so I was relieved to know he didn't drink any. Once I realized that he was OK (and scolded myself for not keeping Nyquil away from him in a locked cabinet) all I could do was laugh at his cute little face that was beaming with pride at his latest discovery. I honestly can't decide if I'm irritated or impressed that he was able to bypass the "childproof" push-down-and-turn cap. I'm leaning toward impressed.
This was AFTER I cleaned it.
Oh by the way, the empty glass used to be full of red Crystal Light .... he dumped that out before the Nyquil. I need to switch to water!
In the end he got a sink bath and the carpet cleaners are coming later today, but somehow he's still sticky. I needed to clean the carpets anyway, but what a pain! I texted Katy and she said it right,"And now it begins." The beginning of all the messes that little ones make. I think I need to invest in a carpet cleaner and speed up the process of switching from carpet to wood.
I know what Joe is doing later today .... childproofing the rest of the cabinets ;)
Good times!
I didn't know he opened the child proof bottle...I guess I was just assuming it was already open. But then I thought about it and there would be no way on earth you would have an open bottle on NyQuil hanging out. I think I would be impressed too.
'And so it begins" is the PERFECT title! :)
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