Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby gate

I hoped that I would be able to forgo the whole need for a baby gate, but the older and more mobile Devon got the more I realized that I couldn't get a baby gate fast enough. From the main level of the house there is one flight of stairs going up and one flight going down. This means that I needed 3 .... yes 3 baby gates. I had a really hard time finding a gate that would A) fit the extra wide openings between the banister and the wall and B) find a gate that wasn't insanely expensive C) find one that wasn't offensive to look at and D) could be "hidden" away as much as possible.

I had such a hard time finding something that would work that I used to turn the coffee table on it's side to block the stairs .... ghetto fabulous I assure you. I did TONS of research and I think I found the perfect baby gate. It's called Retract-a-gate. It mounts to the wall and railing .... ANY railing. They sell adaptor kits if you don't want to or can't drill into the banister for whatever reason. We have an iron banister so that was not an option for us. It comes in different lengths, it rolls away, can be operated with one hand, is reasonably priced .... and on and on and on. If you need a gate I recommend this one. This is how they looked rolled up.

They unroll from the base, hook around the brackets then you turn a dial from "unlocked" to "lock" and it stays in place. The good part is it keeps Devon in, but the cats can still climb underneath so they aren't trapped. I can also climb over it if I need to. Bonus to this gate is I only had to buy 2 gates. I need a third one, but I can just unsnap it and move it to the railing attachment at the top of the stairs when we are up there playing. Here is the info if you want to ch-ch-ch-check it out.

P.S. No .... I don't own stock in this company ;) I know what a hard time I had finding a good product so I am just passing along the info if you or someone you know needs it.

1 comment:

Kate said...

i had two of these before we moved...and now i have none. sad, they were pretty cool and i didn't even get a chance to use them